Selasa, 09 Desember 2008

For me, writing in my blog was a challenge. As I turned through the pages I had written on, I noticed some were tear streaked and some had smiley faces drawn near the margin. I had an overwhelming feeling of excitement every time I wrote in it. I always felt like I was writing in it for the first time. I never became bored with it.

We can write anything that happened in our Life to our Blog, however life is not a novel you can pick up and read but it is a journal waiting for you to fill it's pages. We can write our goal, I am sure every muslim's goal is Jannah (Paradise), so we try to make amal that bring us to Jannah, following Qur'an and the Sunnah with The Understanding of Salafus Shalih (which includes: Correct Aqeedah or Belief, correct Akhlaq like good to parent, husband, neighbourhood, musafeer, our sisters in Islam as well as being good to your self).

So in between reaching your goal there are many stories to be told, to be shared, to be written about. Living without a goal, is like driving without a destination.

In this life sometimes we face difficulty, how you face this and overcome it may help somebody else. So, put your experience in writing, because one day someone who is facing a similar problem might find your words useful. Being in a bad mood is just a waste of time. When you feel all ways are closed, nothing can be resolved. Well every problem has a solution. As Allaah said in the noble Qur'an "Verily there is Ease after Hardship" Have faith in Allaah and look to fix our problems in Correct way. Seeking advise from our friends or reading from their experience might help us, Biidznillaah. If you are a rose among thorns, then turn the thorns into roses, and you will feel like you made a difference. Making a difference, being useful will ultimately will make you happy for the rest of your life.

Sometimes we get angry, and when we do, we need to remember one Hadith, The Prophet (sallaahu'alahi wasalam) said: “La tagdab wa laka al Jannah” - "Do not be angry and you will have the Jannah." Therefore, we should try our best to stop this angriness (remember jannah is our goal!). Like one sms from a sister of mine "There are two times when you should learn to keep your mouth closed: When you are swimming and when you're angry". So write things that help you stop your anger. Whenever this feeling comes you can remember them and recite them to stop your anger. What you write should be easy to memorize.

Write about Who Are You. You are Muslim "Yes". So don't imitate the Kufar who live around you. According to what I see, many muslims are trying their best to blend in by looking like a Kufar, wearing kufar fashions, way of life and in another things.

I heard a voice tell me, "Look in to the mirror."

I asked why?

It said, "Look, what do you see?"

I said nothing.

The voice asked me again, "What do you see?"

I couldn't see anything.

The voice said, "Can't you see me?"

I said, "No".

I didn't hear that voice again after that.

I began realizing that voice was me and I began realizing that I didn't know myself.

Be yourself! Be a Muslim! Don't Imitate the Kufar. Remember your Goal is Jannah and their goal... is Dust. Do not worry about what the peoples think, but please be worry are your act is correct or not based on Islamic Syari'ah. So, Save the worrying for bigger things in life.

Write your blessing. That will always help you to be thankful to Allaah. He has blessed us with religion Islam. So, we must live our life for Islam and really this is Big Ni'ma, Big Blessing.

Allah has blessed us with our family, our husbands, our house, our friends, our roses in the garden, etc. Alhamdulillaah for all of this. When I count my blessings, I always count my husband twice. :)

Do not take anything as being forever, because forever is only as long as today. Write things that you have lost. Once i remember a sister lost her Cat lol. and it was funny experience how she expressed this. Another sister felt sad because her beloved grandmother passed away. And a red rose in your garden will not always in same color and same condition, in time this rose will be dry and die. Just remember that everything in this life will not remain the same or be here forever. But if we reach our Goal, ie: Jannah, it will stay FOREVER. InshAllaah what you write about losing something or someone important and how you handle your emotion will be a good lesson for people who need this Advice.

Memories are priceless treasures that we can cherish forever in our hearts. Write your Goal! Write your Journey to reach this Goal. And remember everything that happens in our life happens for a reason. Allaah Knows Best!

I wrote that when I was in Zürich, Switzerland

04 August 2006

Minggu, 07 Desember 2008

Pemutus Kenikmatan

Dari Nadhar bin Ismail yang berkata: Saya pernah mendengar Umar bin Dzar [1] berkata:

Kamu sekalian telah cukup mengerti tentang kematian, maka kamu menunggu-nunggu kedatangannya siang dan malam.Mungkin kamu meninggal sebagai seorang yang sangat dicintai oleh keluarganya, dihormati oleh kerabatnya, dan dipatuhi oleh masyarakatnya, dipindahkan keliang yang kering dan batu-batu cadas yang bisu.

Tidak ada seorangpun dari keluarga yang bisa memberikan bantal, kecuali hanya menempatkannya di tengah kerumunan binatang serangga. Adapun bantal pada saat itu berupa amal perbuatannya.Atau mungkin kamu meninggal sebagai orang yang malang dan terasing. Di dunia, ia telah ditimpa banyak kesedihan, usaha yang dilakukan sudah berkepanjangan, badan telah kepayahan, lantas kematian tiba-tiba menjemput sebelum ia meraih keinginannya.Atau mungkin kamu adalah seorang anak yang masih disusui, orang yang sakit, atau orang yang tergadai dan tergila-gila dengan kejahatan.

Mereka semua diundi dengan anak panah kematian.Tidak adakah pelajaran yang bisa dipetik dari perkataan para juru nasihat?!Sungguh, seringkali saya berkata: "Maha Suci Allah Jalla Jalaluhu. Dia telah memberi tempo kepada kamu sehingga seakan-akan menjadikan kamu lalai." Kemudian saya kembali melihat kepemaafan dan kekuasaan-Nya, lantas berkata: "Tidak, tetapi Dia mengakhirkan kita sampai pada batas ajal kita, sampai pada hari di mana mata menjadi terbelalak dan hati menjadi kering.""Artinya : Mereka datang bergegas-gegas memenuhi panggilan dengan mengangkat kepalanya, sedang mata mereka tidak berkedip-kedip dan hati mereka kosong." [Ibrahim : 43]

"Ya Rabbi, Engkau telah memberikan peringatan, maka hujjah-Mu telah tegakatas hamba-hamba-Mu”Kemudian ia membaca:"Artinya : Dan berikanlah peringatan kepada manusia terhadap hari (yang pada waktu itu) datang adzab kepada mereka, maka berkatalah orang-orang yang zhalim: "Ya Tuhan kami, beri tangguhlah kami walaupun dalam waktu yang sedikit." [Ibrahim : 44]

Kemudian ia berkata:"Wahai pelaku kezhaliman! Sesungguhnya kamu sedang berada dalam masa penangguhan yang kamu minta itu, maka manfaatkanlah sebelum akhir masa itu tiba dan bersegeralah sebelum berlalu. Batas akhir penangguhan adalah ketika kamu menemui ajal, saat sang maut datang. Ketika itu tidak berguna lagi penyesalan.

Anak Adam ibarat papan yang dipasang sebagai sasaran dari panah kematian. Siapa yang dipanah dengan anak panah-anak panahnya, tidak akan meleset. Dan bila kematian itu telah menginginkan seseorang, maka tidak akan menimpa yang lain.

Ketahuilah, sesungguhnya kebaikan yang paling besar adalah kebaikan di akhirat yang abadi dan tidak berakhir, yang kekal dan tidak fana, yang terus berlanjut dan tak kenal putus.

Hamba-hamba yang dimuliakan bertempat tinggal di sisi Allah Ta'ala di tengah segala hal yang menyenangkan diri dan menyejukkan pandangan. Mereka saling mengunjungi, bertemu, dan bernostalgia tentang hari-hari mereka hidup di dunia.Tentramlah kehidupan mereka. Mereka telah memperoleh apa yang mereka inginkan dan meraih apa yang mereka cari, karena keinginan mereka adalah berjumpa dengan majikan Yang Maha Pemurah dan Maha Pemberi Anugerah. [2]

"Wasiat Para Salaf", Penulis Syaikh Salim bin 'Ied Al Hilali

Foote Note[1]. Dia adalah Umar bin Dzar biun Abdillah bin Zaraqah Al-Hamdani Al-Murhabi, seorang tabi'it tabi'in yang tsiqah, wafat pada tahun 135 H. Riwayat hidupnya ada dalam "Tahdzibut Tahdzib" (VII:144), "Hilyatul Auliya" (V:108) dan lain-lain[2]. Dikeluarkan oleh Abu Nu'aim dalam 'Al-Hilyah' (V:115-116)

הידעת, בודאי הוא הכי טוב טוב את להלן, ולא את הנצח הסתיים, שנמשך ולא חולף, וכי לא יודע ממשיכה הסוף

Dedicated to My Beloved Wife...

Dear my wife...

I still remember the day when we get married, the day I keep the promise to you at the time I married you, as this is the first and worthiest condition of marriage to be fulfilled by a husband. We enter the marriage with the pure intention of pleasing Allaah Ta'ala, in order to receive His grace and blessings. From this day I feel that I am the most lucky man in this earth. Isn't Prophet Muhammad salallaahu'alahi wasalam said "When a man marries, he has fulfilled half of his religion, so let him fear Allaah regarding the remaining half."

How Happy I am because I have fulfilled half of my religion to marry you. How happy I am because with marriage I follow the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad salallaahu'alahi wasalam. How happy I am because I follow his (salallaahu'alahi wasalam)'s order. "O you young men! Whoever is able to marry should marry, for that will help him to lower his gaze and guard his modesty." (Al-Bukhari)

Dear my wife who is trying to be a better Muslimah...

I hope we both are among who works righteousness. So that Allaah give us a good life, I hope we both can understand each others, forgive each others and advice each others for the sake of Allaah. And I hope we both are among peoples who spread Islam and spread Allaah's messages... I hope our life will be blessed. As Allaah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says "And who works righteousness, male or female, and is a faithful one, so We will give them life a good life, and We will pay them their wages for the most beautiful of what they were working (Qur'an 16:97)"

Dear my wife who wish to be a good wife and mother...

You should know that One of the goals of marriage is to find comfort, repose, and security in the relationship. This goal is more likely to be achieved if we have fear of Allaah Ta'ala and adheres to Islamic morals and manners. I hope that we can reach this goal with our Islamic morals and manners.

InshAllaah, You will be a Mother of our childrens, you are the first teacher for them. Teach them about the True Islam, Show them a good manner, tell them to be kind, honest, loving and caring to parents and other peoples. I pray to Allaah that our childrens are among peoples who fear Allaah, among of the Mu'meen. ameen ya rabb.

Dear my patient wife...

Please forgive me when I am harsh to you. Really I dont mind of that. I wish to always gentle with you, because through gentleness hearts become united in friendship and love, and good becomes widespread. Whereas through its opposite ill feelings and distrust prevails and people forsake one another. As we learn from rasulullaah salallaahu'alahi wasallam: Indeed Allaah is gentle and loves gentleness, and gives due to gentleness that which He does not give to harshness. (Reported by Ibn Majah (no. 3688) and Ibn Hibaan (no. 549) )

Dear my wife,

Each of us have big responsibility, and InshAllaah we can do our best to fullfill our responsibility. I will remind you one hadith about our responsibility. Allaah's Messenger (salallaahu 'alaihi wa'sallam) said: Each of you is a guardian and is responsible for those whom he is in charge of. So the ruler is a guardian and is responsible for his subjects; a man is the guardian of his family and is responsible for those under his care; a woman is a guardian of her husband's home and is responsible for those under her care; a servant is the guardian of his master's wealth and is responsible for that which he is entrusted with; and a man is the guardian of his father's wealth and is responsible fore what is under his care. So each one of you is a guardian and is responsible for what he is entrusted with. Reported by al-Bukharee (Eng. Trans. 9/189/no.252) and Muslim (Eng. Trans. 3/1017/no.4496).

So my dear wife, remind me when I forgot about my responsibilty and I will remind you when you forgot your responsibilty. Hopely we remind each other in a wise manner.

Dear my wife,

Don't be envy with other women condition, their money... their car... their house... their beauty... because all of them are test from Allaah subhanahu wata'ala. We shouldn't feel envy in such things, because envy is a dangerous disease and a harmful evil and therefore keeps away from it. But let me tell you which part that you can feel envy with other women condition. Do you remember one hadith from Ibn Mas'ud radhiallaahu'anhu who said that Rasulullaah salallaahu'alahi wasalam said : There is to be no envy except with regard to two: A man whom Allaah has given wealth which he strives to spend righteously, and a man to whom Allaah has given the Wisdom (i.e. the Qur'aan) and he acts according to it and teaches it to others. (Bukhari)

Dear my beloved wife who always pray for blessing from Allaah Ta'ala,

Please take care your health carefully, take rest when you feel tired after doing your home work. Eat and Drink enaugh. and whenever you have free time at home, use this time to study and to learn Islam. because health and free time are blessing that many peoples lose. As the saying of Rasulullaah salallaahu'alahi wasalam "There are two blessings which many people lose: health and free time." ( Bukhari).

O Allaah the Most Merciful.

I am Your servant, son of Your servant, son of Your maidservant, my forelock is in Your hand, Your command over me is forever executed and Your decree over me is just. I ask You by every name belonging to You which You name Yourself with, or revealed in Your Book, or You taught to any of Your creation, or You have preserved in the knowledge of the unseen with You, that You make the Qur’aan the life of my heart and the light of my breast, and a departure for my sorrow and a release for my anxiety.’

O Allaah The King Who has no Partner!You are the Witness to this relationship, I had fallen in love with my life partner, make this love toward her increase my strength to Love You. But, I also pray that my love towards her should not exceed the love towards You. Make this Love a meaningful one. Protect my heart so that I never forget You. Make her love for me not exceed the love she has for You and make us martyr in Your cause. Make her love and desire towards me, never forget Your paradise. If my love towards her ever makes me forget You, remind me and guide me, dont make me one of the losers.

With Love,

Your Husband

About Son

Abu Hurayrah narrated: “Once the Prophet and I went out during the day. While on the journey, he did not talk to me and I did not talk to him. When we reached the market of Bani Qaynuqaa’, he sat in the front-yard of Faatimah's house and asked: 'Is Luka’ home? (i.e., 'the small boy' - his grandson Al-Hasan)' But Faatimah kept the boy inside for a while. I thought she was either changing his clothes or giving him a bath. After a while, the boy came out running and the Prophet embraced him and kissed him on the mouth; then he said: 'O Allaah! Love him, and love whoever loves him.'" [Al-Bukhaari & Muslim] In other narrations of this incident, Al-Hasan came out walking quickly and jumped into the lap of the Prophet who had his arms extended towards him, and who then hugged and kissed him.

Abu Hurayrah said: “After I heard the Prophet saying this, there was nobody that I loved more than Al-Hasan.” He also said: “It is never that I saw Al-Hasan after having heard this, except that I cried.”

The saying of Abu Hurayrah : “…He did not talk to me…” was probably due to the Prophet being busy thinking about something, or being inspired, or receiving revelation at the time.
As for his saying: “…and I did not talk to him…” is due to him glorifying and honouring the Prophet ; this was the practice of the Companions whenever they would see the Prophet silent.
This narration is a reflection of how great the Prophet was, due to his coming to visit this child, which illustrated the love and mercy that he had for him. This was despite the great responsibilities he had as a leader of the entire Nation and the fact that he was busy being a guardian over their affairs, the custodian of their treasury, or Bayt Al-Maal, the dispatcher of the Muslim armies and the teacher and preacher to all the Muslims. Moreover, he was also receiving revelation from his Lord and contemplating over what happened to the previous nations who disobeyed Him.

Despite all this, he did not forget in the midst of all these tasks and responsibilities to check on his grandchild and try to bring joy to him, as well as checking on his daughter and son-in-law. He sat in front of the house waiting for his grandchild to come out, and extended his arms towards him when he did so; he hugged and kissed him, and this love was reflected and reciprocated by the reaction of the child who walked quickly and jumped into the lap of the Prophet .
Another narration that reflects the kindness that the Prophet had for children is that which is narrated by Anas Ibn Maalik who said: “I never saw anyone kinder and more merciful with children than the Prophet . His son, Ibraaheem, would breastfeed from a woman in the ‘Awaali area of Madeenah; he used to go and visit him and we would accompany him. He used to enter the house in which Ibraaheem was and find him with some splashes of the milk that he had drunk, on his face; he would pick him up and kiss him.” ‘Amr who was one of the Companions accompanying the Prophet in his visits, said: “After the death of Ibraaheem, the Prophet said: 'Ibraaheem is my son and he died whilst in the age of breastfeeding; he will have two women breastfeeding him in Paradise until he concludes the age of breastfeeding.'” [Muslim]
This narration reflects the noble manners of the Prophet and his kindness to children. It also highlights the virtue of being merciful with children and kissing them.

Ibraaheem died when he was sixteen or seventeen months old, which is why the Prophet said that he died whilst at the age of breastfeeding, because the complete breastfeeding term is usually two full years, as mentioned in the Quran.

Many of those who are busy with worldly affairs or matters related to the religion are thereby deprived of other matters; they are busy teaching or leading others, or attaining wealth, and are thereby deprived from kissing their children, playing with them, and cultivating them properly. No matter how busy a person claims to be, it is impossible that he is busier than the Prophet was, who had time for this despite his numerous and great responsibilities. The propagators of Islaam, and others in general, have a duty towards their families and kinsfolk which they must fulfil, despite their responsibilities.

A child has a very special position in the Islamic community, and he should get the required attention and care which will make him grow up balanced and well mannered.
Unlike what some may believe, possessing manhood, dignity and honour does not contradict caring for and playing with children. This is reflected in the narration of Abu Hurayrah who said: “The Prophet kissed Al-Hasan once while Al-Aqra’ Ibn Haabis was sitting with him, so Al-Aqra’ said, `I have ten children; never did I kiss any of them.` The Prophet therefore looked at him and said: 'Allaah will not be merciful with the one who is not merciful to others. '” [Al-Bukhaari]

A person who works as a preacher in a prison in a western country said that an imprisoned drug addict once informed him that he would always stub out his cigarette on his child’s body, until he killed the child. This is truly an ugly face of the west that is reflected by this story; what kind of civilisation do they have? What benefit did they gain from their technology when their communities are overwhelmed with immorality, lack of faith, and children who are murdered and tortured like animals? This has become such a widespread phenomenon that there are now designated telephone numbers for children to call and seek help and protection if their parents harm or torture them.

But who are these children seeking protection from? It is from their own parents, who torture them in such a barbaric manner that it shatters the feelings of those who only get to hear about it.

A true believer should take lessons from the Names of Allaah; one of His Names is the All-Merciful, so a believer should strive to be merciful. Another of His Names is the Compassionate, so a believer should work hard to be compassionate and kind to others, especially his children.
The father’s love for his children should not be buried under his load of work, or his numerous tasks; on the contrary, he should express his love and kindness to them and strive to cultivate them properly.

Kamis, 04 Desember 2008


To : Beberapa sahabatku sewaktu SMA
( Anisah, Lina, Linda, Sa'adah, Devi, Novrina, Siti Nurjannah, Arum dan yang lainnya).
Bagaimana kabar kalian? Lama tak mendengar dering telefon dari kalian, mahal memang. Tapi aku cukup senang kalian masih sering menanyakan kabarku.
Apakah kalian masih merangkai-rangkai masa depan? Aku harap kalian memiliki masa depan yang cerah, indah dan penuh Hikmah. Seperti yang kalian Impikan.
Namun, aku harap kalian siap hadapi hari esok! Hari esok memang penuh misteri, tapi bukankah kita yakin bahwa Allaah senantiasa bersama kita? Jika kita melakukan hal yang benar dengan Ikhlas, maka kita dapatkan hasil yang bagus di dunia ini maupun di akherat kelak.
Sungguh, saat-saat itu benar menggembirakan.
Senyuman tulus kalian
Bantuan tanpa pamrih
Semangat yang menggebu
dan canda tawa yang lepas
Sangat sulit melupakan hal-hal itu! Dan ternyata benar, hal-hal yang dulunya kita anggap sepele, dikemudian hari menjadi kenangan yang pantas tuk di kenang.
Aku harap segera bertemu kalian
Ditempat dimana kita selalu duduk bersama.

Selasa, 11 November 2008



Struga River : Very Nice Panorama

Pegunungan Yang tertutupi salju di Puncaknya

Perahu di Struga Lake

Video Yahya di Struga Lake

Refreshing Sebentar

Suami ada keperluan di Struga, Aku dan anakku juga ikut. Maklum belum pernah lihat Kota Struga, yang konon kota ini punya Danau yang Indah. Danau tersebut berbatasan langsung dengan Yunani, jadi diseberang Danau Aku bisa lihat lampu-lampu kecil yang menyala-nyala di atas Bukit yang terletak di Yunani.

Kami menyewa sebuah Flat, yang jika Aku buka jendelanya langsung terhampar Danau Struga yang memang Indah.

Ketika kami pulang, suami menyempatkan Shalat Dzuhur di salah satu Masjid di sebuah Desa. Aku menunggu didekat Masjid bersama Anakku. Kebetulan ada sekawanan Sapi yang sedang Merumput di Padang Rumput yang Luas.

Seorang wanita muda bersama 1 anak laki-laki dan seorang anak perempuan, berlari dari kejauhan menghampiriku. Dia sangat bahagia sewaktu melihatku, Aku bilang ke dia "Ben Dina! I cannot Speak Albanish! but I can speak little bit Turkish" dia tidak tau maksudku... hanya tersenyum.


"Yok! Falimenderit"

Dia menawariku untuk duduk minum kopi, tapi aku menolaknya karena memang tak ada waktu. Heran! Bahkan kami belum saling kenal!

"I am Indonesian"

"Indoneziaa" dia tertawa, mungkin sangat aneh melihat seorang wanita Indonesia mampir di Desanya.

Kemudian dia berlari pulang. Aku bingung!

Setelah itu, dia berlari lagi ke arahku sambil membawa sekotak Coklat dan memberikannya kepadaku.


Masya Allaah.

Senin, 10 November 2008


Segala puji bagi Allah bahwa kita termasuk orang-orang Islam dan yang mengikuti salaf. Sebagian orang menuduh kita orang-orang wahabi. Ini termasuk tanaabuzun bil alqaab (memanggil dengan panggilan-panggilan yang buruk).

Allah melarang kita dari hal itu dengan firmanNya,"Artinya : Dan janganlah kamu panggil-memanggil dengan gelar-gelar yang buruk." [Al-Hujurat: 11]

Dahulu, mereka menuduh Imam Syafi'i dengan rafidhah. Beliau lalu membantah mereka dengan mengatakan, "Jika rafidah (berarti) mencintai keluarga Muhammad. Maka hendaknya jin dan manusia menyaksikan bahwa sesungguhnya aku adalah rafidhah.
Maka, kita juga membantah orang-orang yang menuduh kita wahabi, dengan ucapan salah seorang penyair, "Jika pengikut Muhammad Salallaahu'alahi wasalah adalah wahabi. Maka aku berikrar bahwa sesungguhnya aku wahabi."

Musuh-musuh tauhid memberi gelar wahabi kepada setiap muwahhid (yang mengesakan Allah), nisbat kepada Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab, Jika mereka jujur, mestinya mereka mengatakan Muhammadi nisbat kepada namanya yaitu Muhammad. Betapapun begitu, ternyata Allah menghendaki nama wahabi sebagai nisbat kepada Al-Wahhab (Yang Maha Pemberi), yaitu salah satu dari nama-nama Allah yang paling baik (Asmaa'ul Husnaa).

Jika shufi menisbatkan namanya kepada jama'ah yang memakai shuf (kain wol) maka sesungguhnya wahabi menisbatkan diri mereka dengan Al-Wahhab (Yang Maha Pemberi), yaitu Allah yang memberikan tauhid dan meneguhkannya untuk berdakwah kepada tauhid.


Beliau dilahirkan di kota 'Uyainah, Nejed pada tahun 1115 H. Hafal Al-Qur'an sebelum berusia sepuluh tahun. Belajar kepada ayahandanya tentang fiqih Hambali, belajar hadits dan tafsir kepada para syaikh dari berbagai negeri, terutama di kota Madinah. Beliau memahami tauhid dari Al-Kitab dan As-Sunnah.

Perasaan beliau tersentak setelah menyaksikan apa yang terjadi di negerinya Nejed dengan negeri-negeri lainnya yang beliau kunjungi berupa kesyirikan, khurafat dan bid'ah. Demikian juga soal menyucikan dan mengkultuskan kubur, suatu hal yang bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam yang benar.

Ia mendengar banyak wanita di negerinya bertawassul dengan pohon kurma yang besar. Mereka berkata, "Wahai pohon kurma yang paling agung dan besar, aku menginginkan suami sebelum setahun ini."

Di Hejaz, ia melihat pengkultusan kuburan para sahabat, keluarga Nabi (ahlul bait), serta kuburan Rasulullah Shalallaahu alaihi wasalam, hal yang sesungguhnya tidak boleh dilakukan kecuali hanya kepada Allah semata.

Di Madinah, ia mendengar permohonan tolong (istighaatsah) kepada Rasulullah Shalallaahu alaihi wasalam, serta berdo'a (memohon) kepada selain Allah, hal yang sungguh bertentangan dengan Al-Qur'an dan sabda Rasulullah Shalallaahu alaihi wasalam .

Al-Qur'an menegaskan:"Artinya : Dan janganlah kamu menyembah apa-apa yang tidak memberi manfa'at dan tidak (pula) memberi madharat kepadamu selain Allah, sebab jika kamu berbuat (yang demikian) itu, sesungguhnya kamu kalau begitu termasuk orang-orang yang zhalim." [Yunus : 106] Zhalim dalam ayat ini berarti syirik.

Suatu kali, Rasulullah Shalallaahu alaihi wasalam berkata kepada anak pamannya, Abdullah bin Abbas:"Artinya : Jika engkau memohon, mohonlah kepada Allah, dan jika engkau meminta pertolongan mintalah pertolongan kepada Allah." [Hadits Riwayat At-Tirmidzi, ia berkata hasan shahih)]
Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab menyeru kaumnya kepada tauhid dan berdo'a (memohon) kepada Allah semata, sebab Dialah Yang Mahakuasa dan Yang Maha Menciptakan sedangkan selainNya adalah lemah dan tak kuasa menolak bahaya dari dirinya dan dari orang lain. Adapun mahabbah (cinta kepada orang-orang shalih), adalah dengan mengikuti amal shalihnya, tidak dengan menjadikannya sebagai perantara antara manusia dengan Allah, dan juga tidak menjadikannya sebagai tempat bermohon selain daripada Allah.

Penentangan Orang-Orang Batil TerhadapnyaPara ahli bid'ah menentang keras dakwah tauhid yang dibangun oleh Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab.

Ini tidak mengherankan, sebab musuh-musuh tauhid telah ada sejak zaman Rasulullah Shalallaahu alaihi wasalam . Bahkan mereka merasa heran terhadap dakwah kepada tauhid. Allah berfirman:"Artinya : Mengapa ia menjadikan tuhan-tuhan itu Tuhan Yang Satu saja? Sesungguhnya ini benar-benar suatu hal yang sangat mengherankan." [Shaad : 5]

Musuh-musuh syaikh memulai perbuatan kejinya dengan memerangi dan menyebarluaskan berita-berita bohong tentangnya. Bahkan mereka bersekongkol untuk membunuhnya dengan maksud agar dakwahnya terputus dan tak berkelanjutan. Tetapi Allah Subhannahu wa Ta'ala menjaganya dan memberinya penolong, sehingga dakwah tauhid terbesar luas di Hejaz, dan di negara-negara Islam lainnya. Meskipun demikian, hingga saat ini, masih ada pula sebagian manusia yang menyebarluaskan berita-berita bohong.

Misalnya mereka mengatakan, dia (Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab) adalah pembuat madzhab yang kelima, padahal dia adalah seorang penganut madzhab Hambali.

Sebagian mereka mengatakan, orang-orang wahabi tidak mencintai Rasulullah Shalallaahu alaihi wasalam serta tidak bershalawat atasnya. Mereka anti bacaan shalawat. Padahal kenyataannya, Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab rahimahullah- telah menulis kitab "Mukhtashar Siiratur Rasuul Shalallaahu alaihi wasalam ". Kitab ini bukti sejarah atas kecintaan Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab kepada Rasulullah Shallallahu âalaihi wa sallam.
Mereka mengada-adakan berbagai cerita dusta tentang Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab, suatu hal yang karenanya mereka bakal dihisab pada hari Kiamat.

Seandainya mereka mau mempelajari kitab-kitab beliau dengan penuh kesadaran, niscaya mereka akan menemukan Al-Qur'an, hadits dan ucapan sahabat sebagai rujukannya. Seseorang yang dapat dipercaya memberitahukan kepada penulis, bahwa ada salah seorang ulama yang memperingatkan dalam pengajian-pengajiannya dari ajaran wahabi. Suatu hari, salah seorang dari hadirin memberinya sebuah kitab karangan Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab. Sebelum diberikan, ia hilangkan terlebih dahulu nama pengarangnya.
Ulama itu membaca kitab tersebut dan amat kagum dengan kandungannya. Setelah mengetahui siapa penulis buku yang dibaca, mulailah ia memuji Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab.

Dalam Sebuah Hadits Disebutkan:" Artinya : Ya Allah, berilah keberkahan kepada kami di negeri Syam, dan di negeri Yaman. Mereka berkata, 'Dan di negeri Nejed.' Rasulullah berkata, 'Di sana banyak terjadi berbagai kegoncangan dan fitnah, dan di sana (tempat) munculnya para pengikut setan." [Hadits Riwayat Al-Bukhari dan Muslim]

Ibnu Hajar Al-'Asqalani dan ulama lainnya menyebutkan, yang dimaksud Nejed dalam hadits di atas adalah Nejed Iraq. Hal itu terbukti dengan banyaknya fitnah yang terjadi di sana. Kota yang juga di situ Al-Husain bin Ali Radhiyallahu anhuma dibunuh.

Hal ini berbeda dengan anggapan sebagian orang, bahwa yang dimaksud dengan Nejed adalah Hejaz, kota yang tidak pernah tampak di dalamnya fitnah sebagaimana yang terjadi di Iraq. Bahkan seba-liknya, yang tampak di Nejed Hejaz adalah tauhid, yang karenanya Allah menciptakan alam, dan karenanya pula Allah mengutus para rasul.
Sebagian Ulama Yang Adil Sesungguhnya Menyebutkan Bahwa Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab adalah salah seorang mujaddid (pembaharu) abad dua belas Hijriyah. Mereka menulis buku-buku tentang beliau. Di antara para pengarang yang menulis buku tentang Syaikh adalah Syaikh Ali Thanthawi. Beliau menulis buku tentang "Silsilah Tokoh-tokoh Sejarah", di antara mereka terdapat Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab dan Ahmad bin 'Irfan. Dalam buku tersebut beliau menyebutkan, akidah tauhid sampai ke India dan negeri-negeri lainnya melalui jama'ah haji dari kaum muslimin yang terpengaruh dakwah tauhid di kota Makkah.

Karena itu, kompeni Inggris yang menjajah India ketika itu, bersama-sama dengan musuh-musuh Islam memerangi akidah tauhid tersebut. Hal itu dilakukan karena mereka mengetahui bahwa akidah tauhid akan menyatukan umat Islam dalam melawan mereka. Selanjutnya mereka mengomando kepada kaum Murtaziqah agar mencemarkan nama baik dakwah kepada tauhid. Maka mereka pun menuduh setiap muwahhid yang menyeru kepada tauhid dengan kata wahabi.

Kata itu mereka maksudkan sebagai padanan dari tukang bid'ah, sehingga memalingkan umat Islam dari akidah tauhid yang menyeru agar umat manusia berdo'a hanya semata-mata kepada Allah. Orang-orang bodoh itu tidak mengetahui bahwa kata wahabi adalah nisbat kepada Al-Wahhaab (yang Maha Pemberi), yaitu salah satu dari Nama-nama Allah yang paling baik (Asma'ul Husna) yang memberikan kepadanya tauhid dan menjanjikannya masuk Surga.

[Disalin dari kitab Minhajul Firqah An-Najiyah Wat Thaifah Al-Manshurah, edisi Indonesia Jalan Golongan Yang Selamat, Penulis Syaikh Muhammad bin Jamil Zainu]

Kamis, 06 November 2008

Darul Kufur dan Darul Islam

Dalam Memahami Darul Kufur dan Darul Islam
- dirangkum dari tulisan Abu Ahmad -
Penulis berkata di dalam hlm. 20 : “Negeri yang menggunakan undang-undang kafir adalah darul kufri (negeri kafir). Jika sebelumnya negeri itu menggunakan hukum syari’ah, lalu berganti dengan undang-undang kafir, sedangkan penduduknya masih Islam maka negeri itu Daru Kufrin Thari (negeri kafir yang tidak asli)”.
Kami katakan ; Penulis mengikuti pemahaman Khowarij yang berpendapat bahwa setiap yang berhukum dengan selain hukum Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala maka dia kafir keluar dari Islam secara mutlak tanpa perincian, apakah dia mengingkari kewajiban berhukum dengan hukum Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala atau tidak, dan memahami secara rancu tentang hal yang menyebabkan suatu negeri dikatakan sebagai Darul Islam atau Darul Kufur.
Yang benar bahwa suatu negeri dikatakan sebagai Darul Islam jika nampak syi’ar-syi’ar Islam dari penduduk negeri seperti shalat lima waktu, shalat jum’at, dan shalat Ied, sebagaimana ditunjukkan oleh dalil-dalil berikut ini.
[1]. Hadits Anas Radhiayallahu ‘anhu bahwasanya dia berkata :“Adalah Rasulullah hendak menyerang daerah musuh ketika terbit fajar, beliau menunggu suara adzan, jika belaiu mendengar adzan maka beliau menahan diri, dan jika tidak mendengar adzan maka beliau menyerang” [Muttafaq Alaih, Shahih Bukhari 610 dan Shahih Muslim 1365]
Al-Imam Nawawi rahimahullah berkata : “Hadits ini menunjukkan bahwa adzan menahan serangan kaum muslimin kepada penduduk negeri daerah tersebut, karena adzan tersebut merupakan dalil atas ke-islaman mereka” [Syarah Nawawi pada Shahih Muslim 4/84]
Al-Imam Qurthubi rahimahullah berkata : “Adzan adalah tanda yang membedakan antara Darul Islam dan Darul Kufur” [Al-Jami Liahkamil Qur’an 6/225]
Az-Zarqoni berkata : “Adzan adalah syi’ar Islam dan termasuk tanda yang membedakan antara Darul Islam dan Darul Kufur” [Syarah Az-Zarqoni atas Muwatho 1/215]
[2]. Hadits Isham Al-Muzanny bahwasanya dia berkata.“Adalah Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam jika mengutus suatu pasukan beliau bersabda :”Jika kalian melihat masjid atau mendengar adzan maka janganlah kalian membunuh seorangpun".[Diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad dalam Musnadnya 3/448, Abu Dawud dalam Sunannya 2635 dan Tirmidzi dalam Jaminya 1545 dan dilemahkan oleh Syaikh Al-Albani dalam Dho’if Sunan Abu Dawud hlm. 202]
Al-Imam Asy-Syaukani rahimahullah berkata :”Hadits ini menunjukkan bahwa sekedar keberadaan sebuah masjid di suatu negeri maka ini cukup menjadi dalil atas keislaman penduduknya, walaupun belum didengar adzan dari mereka, karena Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam memerintahkan pasukan-pasukan agar mencukupkan dengan salah satu dari dua hal : Adanya masjid atau mendengar Adzan” [Nailul Authar 7/287]
Berdasarkan uraian di atas maka jika didengar adzan di suatu negeri atau didapati suatu masjid, dan penduduknya muslim, maka negeri tersebut adalah Darul Islam, meskipun para penguasanya tidak menerapkan syari’at Islam, hal inilah yang dikuatkan oleh Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah rahimahullah, beliau berkata : “Keberadaan suatu tempat sebagai negeri kafir atau negeri iman atau negeri orang-orang fasiq, bukanlah sifat yang tidak terpisah darinya, tetapi dia adalah sifat yang insidental sesuai dengan keadaan penduduknya, setiap jengkal bumi yang penduduknya orang-orang mukmin yang bertaqwa maka tempat tersebut adalah negeri para wali Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala di saat itu, setiap jengkal tanah yang penduduknya selain yang kita sebutkan tadi, dan berubah dengan selain mereka, maka negeri itu adalah negeri mereka” [Majmu Fatawa 18/282]
Lalu kapankan suatu negeri Islam menjadi Darul Kufur? Yang rojih dari pendapat para ulama bahwa negeri Islam tidak berubah menjadi darul kufur dengan sekedar dominannya hukum-hukum kekafiran padanya, atau sekedar penguasaan orang-orang kafir padanya, selama para penduduknya masih mempertahankan ke-islaman mereka, bahwa selama mereka masih menegakkan sebagian dari syi’ar-syi’ar Islam khususnya sholat.
Al-Kasani berkata : “Tidak ada khilaf di antara para sahabat kami (madzhab Hanafi) bahwasanya darul kufur berubah menjadi darul Islam, dengan nampaknya hukum-hukum Islam padanya, dan mereka berselisih dengan ada Darul Islam berubah menjadi Darul Kufur.
Abu Hanifah rahimahullah berkata : Darul Islam tidak berubah menjadi Darul Kufur kecuali dengan tiga syarat : yang pertama dominannya hukum-hukum kafir padanya, yang kedua bersambungnya dengan Darul Kufur, yang ketiga tidak tersisa didalamnya seorang muslim dan seorang dzimmi yang merasa aman dengan jaminan keamanan dari kaum muslimin ..”[Bada’i Shonai 7/130]
Ad-Dasuqy berkata : “Sesungguhnya negeri Islam tidaklah berubah menjadi Darul Harbi (negeri kafir yang diperangi) sekedar dengan penguasaan orang-orang kafir atasnya, tetapi hingga terputus penegakan syi’ar-syi’ar Islam darinya, adapun selama tetap ditegakkan syi’ar-syi’ar Islam atau sebagian besar darinya, maka tidaklah dia berubah menjadi Darul Harbi” [Hasyiyah Dasuqy 2/189]
Merupakan kaidah dalam syari’at bahwa : Hukum asal sesuatu adalah dikembalikan pada asalnya. Tidak berubah hukum asal ini kecuali jika ada yang memindahkannya ke hukum yang lainnya dengan cara yang yakin.Di antara contoh-contoh dalam hal ini adalah negeri Andalusia (Spanyol) yang berubah menjadi Darul Kufur sesudah kaum muslimin diusir darinya, dan sejak syi’ar-syi’ar Islam di situ dihukumi tidak ada.Di antara contoh-contoh hal ini juga adalah negeri Islam yang para penguasanya tidak menerapkan hukum Islam bersamaan dengan itu para penduduknya menampakkan syi’ar-syi’ar Islam maka negeri itu adalah Darul Islam, karena tidak ada indikasi yang memindahkannya dari hukum asalnya. [Lihat Al-Ghuluw Fifd Din oleh Syaikh Abdurrahman bin Ma’la Al-Luwaihiq hlm 340].
Mereka (Khawarij maksud saya) menghukumi negara kita tercinta "Indonesia" dengan negara Kafir! Lihat saja 3 pelaku Bom Bali. Saya mau tanya pada anda yang menganggap Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba'asyir sebagai Imam kalian. Pada satu sisi beliau mengatakan Bom Bali itu tidak sesuai syari'at, namun disisi yang lain mengatakan pelaku Bom Bali adalah Mujahid.
Dan juga disatu sisi, mengatakan pelaku serangan WTC adalah Amerika sendiri! disisi lain mengatakan bahwa pelaku serangan WTC adalah Mujahid, Singa Allaah.
Kontradiksi. Thats laughable.
Pernah suatu kali saudara saya menanyakan pada salah satu Ustadz yang dikagumi oleh kalangan Pondok Al-Mukmin, Ngruki. Mengenai kepergianku, suamiku dan anakku ke Negara Kafir ini. Karena ini memang suatu keterpaksaan.
Si ustadz bilang "Jangan... Jangan... Nanti mereka Halal Darahnya." (karena kami nanti akan mematuhi hukum Kafir).
Jawabannya bikin aku kaget! Tidak hanya menghukumi kami keluar dari agama Islam menjadi Kafir. Namun kami juga dihukumi bisa dibunuh alias darah kami Halal.
Mungkin ini ide kenapa ada orang yang berfaham bikin pengeboman di Negara Kafir itu Halal, meskipun kemungkinan ada orang Islam disana. Lahaula wala quwata Ila billah.

Senin, 03 November 2008

Bedah Buku : Kafir Tanpa Sadar

Judul Buku : Kafir Tanpa Sadar
Penulis : Abdul Qadir bin Abdul Aziz
Penerbit : Media Islamika, Solo
Pengantar : Al-Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba'asyir
Penerjemah : Abu Musa Ath-thayyar
Cetakan Pertama 2006
Ustaz Abu Bakar Ba'asyir, Pengasuh Ponpes Al Mukmin Ngruki, Solo. Testimoni beliau adalah :

"saya menganjurkan pada umat Islam untuk membaca buku ini dengan benar, terutama para pelajar dan mahasiswa, baik pesantren, madrasah, maupun sekolah umum, sehingga mereka memahami benar perbedaan antara iman dan kafir. Sebab ini merupakan persoalan yang sangat penting dan mendesak. Sehingga kami pun menjadikan buku ini sebagai kajian Rutin di pondok".
Buku Ini Mengusung Faham Khawarij
Berkata Penulis pada halaman 64 : ”Pedoman umum : sesungguhnya, semua kata kafir yang diungkapkan dengan isim yang ber-alif ta’rif.. maksudnya adalah akbar ..”
Jawaban Menurut Pandangan Ulama : Perkataan penulis berbenturan dengan sebagian atsar yang datang dari para sahabat yang di dalamnya menyifati sebagian dosa-dosa dengan lafadz kufur yang menggunakan alif dan lam ta’rif, bersamaan dengan itu dosa-dosa tersebut dianggap kufur ashghor dengan kesepakatan para ulama ahli Sunnah, seperti hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Al-Imam Bukhari di dalam Shahihnya 5273 dari Ibnu Abbas Radhiyallahu ‘anhuma yang di dalamnya istri Tsabit bin Qois berkata :“Dan akan tetapi aku membenci kekufuran di dalam Islam’’ Dia maksudkan mengkufuri suami.
Sebagaimana dijelaskan oleh Al-Hafidz Ibnu Hajar rahimahullah di dalam Fathul bari 9/400 Demikian juga diriwayatkan oleh Nasa’i rahimahullah di dalam Sunan Kubro (118 Isyrotun Nisa) dan Abdurrazzaq di dalam Mushannaf : 20953 dari Ibnu Abbas Radhiyallahu ‘anhuma bahwasanya dia berkomentar tentang mendatangi wanita di duburnya “ Itu adalah kekufuran’ dan sanadnya adalah kuat sebagaimana dijelaskan oleh Al-Hafidz Ibnu Hajar rahimahullah di dalam Talkhishul Habir 3/181.Kedua atsar di atas lafadz kufur menggunakan alif dan lam ta’rif dalam keadaan maksudnya adalah kufur ashghor.
Kemudian dalam memahami Firman Allaah Ta'ala :
“Dan barangsiapa yang tidak berhukum dengan apa yang diturunkan Allah, maka mereka itu adalah orang-orang yang kafir” [Al-Ma’idah : 44] [At-Tamhid 17/16]

Kemudian penulis berkata pada hlm. 216 : “Sesungguhnya ayat tersebut bersifat umum, mencakup semua orang yang tidak memutuskan hukum dengan hukum Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. Karena, ayat tersebut menggunakan man syarthiyyah (barangsiapa atau siapa saja yang berfungsi sebagai syarat) yang merupakan bentuk kalimat paling umum..”

Jawaban : Jika diambil keumuman ayat ini maka konsekwensinya adalah mengkafirkan kaum muslimin di dalam setiap kasus yang mereka tidak adil di dalamnya, termasuk seorang bapak terhadap anak-anaknya, bahkan seseorang terhadap dirinya sendiri jika dia maksiat kepada Rabbnya ; karena tatkala dia maksiat kepada Rabbnya maka saat itu dia tidak berhukum dengan apa yang diturunkan oleh Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.

Padahal banyak sekali dalil-dalil yang menunjukkan bahwa sekedar kemaksiatan tidaklah menjadikan pelakunya kafir seperti firman Allah.“Dan kalau ada dua golongan dari mereka yang beriman itu berperang hendaklah kamu damaikan antara keduanya” [Al-Hujurat : 9]

Maka nash-nash yang menunjukkan tidak kafirnya setiap pelaku kemaksiatan adalah yang memalingkan kufur akbar dalam ayat di atas kepada kufur ashghor, karena itulah maka para ulama sepakat tidak mengambil keumuman ayat ini, berbeda dengan orang-orang Khawarij yang memakai keumuman ayat ini di dalam mengkafirkan para pelaku dosa dan kemaksiatan tanpa melihat kepada dalil-dalil yang lain yang memalingkan ayat ini dari keumumannya.

Al-Imam Ibnu Abdil Barr rahimahullah berkata : “Telah sesat sekelompok ahli bida’ dari Khawarij dan Mu’tazilah dalam bab ini, mereka berargumen dengan ayat-ayat di dalam Kitabullah yang tidak atas dhahirnya seperti firman Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala :
“Dan barangsiapa yang tidak berhukum dengan apa yang diturunkan Allah, maka mereka itu adalah orang-orang yang kafir” [Al-Ma’idah : 44] [At-Tamhid 17/16]

Beliau juga berkata : “Para ulama sepakat bahwa kecurangan dalam menghukumi termasuk dosa-dosa besar bagi seorang yang sengaja melakukannya dalam keadaan mengetahui hukumnya ..’ [At-Tamhid 5/74-75]

Dan Benar saja buku ini adalah virus yang mematikan, karena banyak kaum muslimin yang dengan mudah mengkafirkan para pelaku maksiat, mengkafirkan pemerintah, dan dengan mudah Ngebom sana Ngebom Sini. Bahkan yang tukang Ngebom mereka panggil Syaikh!!? Yang ngebom Bali mereka panggil-panggil Syaikh/Mujahid/Tentara Allah. ?? Ironi!

another tema :
Suatu saat, beberapa tahun yang lalu. Aku ikut dengan Tabligh Akbar FPI dikota Solo. Sang Orator ulung, Al-Ustadz Habib Rizieq menjelaskan dengan suara lantang "Siapa saja yang tidak mau menerapkan syari'at Islam di Indonesia! maka matinya tak usah disholatkan! (Kafir)".
Tabligh Akbar itu juga dihadiri Al-Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba'asyir.

Kemudian saat dirumah, aku tanya pada Adikku yang memang bandel. "Apa kamu setuju jika Syari'at Islam diterapkan di Indonesia?" dia bilang "Jangan, ntar terjadi Talibanisasi!"
Lantas aku bingung "Adikku ini jadi kafir ndak ya?!", trus aku tanya sama teman-temanku, tetangga, saudara-saudaraku yang lain. Alhasil " Wah... Banyak banget orang Islam yang telah jadi Kafir!"

Alhamdulillaah metode ini tidak tepat sama sekali untuk menghukumi pelaku maksiat dan yang menolak ditegaknya hukum Allah menjadi Kafir. Karena setelah berkenalan dengan Manhaj Salaf... menjadi teranglah jalan itu. Hujjah dan Dalil yang Adil. Dan memang benar Manhaj Salaf itu Rahmat yang penuh dengan Ilmu.

Sabtu, 01 November 2008

Syaikh Alwi Almaliki, Siapakah Dia?

Syaikh Muhammad Alwi AlMaliki duhulunya adalah pernah ngajar di haram (tanah suci), dan orang salafy. Kemudian setelah itu banyak penyimpangan-penyimpangan. Salah satunya buku yang menunjukkan penyimpangannya adalah dia menulis bukuyang berisi pengkultusan Nabi Shalllallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam dan mengarang tentang sunnahnya maulid nabi Shalllallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam. Kemudian habis itu, ia dikeluarkan atau dipecat dari mengajar di halaqah di masjidil haram oleh kepemimpinan tinggi masjid al haramain.

Bahkan terjadilah hiwar (debat/dialog) yang sangat kuat sekali antara syaikh Sulaiman Ibnu Mani' (Anggota Kibar Ulama Saudi) dengan Syaikh alwi almaliki di Mekkah, dan hiwar/dialog itu direkomendasikan oleh Syaikh AbdulAzis bin Baz ( Mufti Kerajaan Arab Saudi waktu itu ) dan terbitlah bukunya dan sudah diterjemahkan "Dialog dengan Alwi Al Maliki", Silahkan baca bukunya.

Syaikh Sulaiman Ibnu Mani' membantah dengan nash Al Quran, Sunnah Nabi Shalllallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam, dan akal terhadap pendapat alwi al maliki yang membolehkan Maulid Nabi, Ngalap Berkah orang suci, Tawassul dengan Panggilan orang yang dicintai.

Ikhwani fillah A'azakumullah....Syaikh Alwi Al Maliki sebenarnya memiliki manhaj yang baik sebelum ia dikeluarkan dari mengajar di masjidil haram.

TETAPI sekarang manhajnya sudah rusak, akidahnya sudah rusak, dan banyak disana ia menghalalkan tawassul yang diharamkan oleh Allah dan RasulNya, bahkan mengagungkan Rasulullah sampai-sampai menjadikan RasulullahShalllallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam seolah-olah sebagai ilah atau sebagaiTuhan, dan hal ini adalah sumber dari kesesatan agama Syi'ah, yangmereka mengagungkan Rasulullah Shalllallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam melebihiderajat yang Allah turunkan kepada dia (Rasulullah Shalllallahu 'AlaihiWassalam). Syaikh Alwi Al Maliki setelah disuruh taubat oleh para ulamadisana ( Saudi maksudnya ). Ia tidak mau taubat dari perbuatan dosanya,Akhirnya pemerintah setempat memutuskan menghukum Syaikh Sayyid Alwi AlMaliki sebagai tahanan rumah. Dan menurut cerita teman saya, suatu ketika ia pernah nekad untuk keluar untuk sholat ied di masjidil haram,dan ketika keluar dari masjidil haram dan para syabab tahu bahwa orang tersebut adalah syaikh yang memiliki dan mendakwahkan aqidah tauhid yangrusak, akhirnya para syabab langsung mengerubungi dia untuk berusahamemukulinya, akhirnya mulai saat itu, pemerintah setempat melarang ia dari sholat id (ditempat umum).

Syaikh alwi al maliki menyebarkan kesesatan ajarannya melalui pembangunan ma'had diberbagai tempat dengannama ma'had "Ar ribath", dia membungkus kesesatan ajarannya dengan slogan ajaran cinta kepada ahlul bait (allawiyyin) , yang sebenarnya adalah mencela kepada ahlul bait itu sendiri !!!. Ma'had Ar ribath diMekkah didirikan oleh dia di tempat yang sangat tersembunyi sekali, "laaya'rifuha illa ahluha" / "tidak ada orang yang tahu kecuali orang -orang yang menginduk kepada ma'had ini". Sampai saya sendiri pernah mencoba mencari tahu ma'had ar ribath kayak apa ???, tapi tidak ketemu...karena mereka tahu bahwa saya dari jam'iyyah islamiyyah daripenampilan saya. Di Maroko dan Madinah didirikan ma'had ar ribath juga. Santrinya memiliki ciri khas yang sangat unik sekali diantaranya memakai gamis seperti yang saya pakai TETAPI gamis mereka nyapu masjid/lantai(isbal maksudnya ) dan memakai selendang hijau (coba antum teliti,penampilan kyai-kyai NU...niscaya antum akan tahu dengan siapa diabelajar).

Sampai-sampai ketika mereka keluar masuk di perkemahan dan hotel-hotel jama'ah haji mereka mengatakan "Kita ini dari IslamicUniversity menawarkan kambing kurban 200 riyal ?" padahal kambing yangkita beli itu harganya 350 riyal. "Sisanya dari mana ? "Sisanya ?Wallahu a'lam bish showab", Mengapa mereka berani menjual kambing dengan200 riyal ?, karena mereka menyembelih kambing sebelum hari id dengandalil bahwa (kata mereka) madzab Syafi'iyyah membolehkannya. Padahal tidak ada madzab syafi'i yang membolehkannya !!!. Kemudian habis itu yaikhwan...ciri-cirinya mereka itu, Masya Allah...kelihatannya merekailtizam kepada sunnah, padahal mereka itu menindas-nindas dan menguburkan sunnah itu sendiri. Sunnahnya bagaimana? Sunnah yang mereka sering tampakkan adalah hadits yang berbunyi (yang artinya) "Sholat menggunakan siwak itu pahalanya lebih dari 70 kali sholat", padahalhadits ini adalah hadits yang dho'if !!! Kalaupun seandainya hadits in iadalah hadits yang shohih, maka derajatnya hasanun lighoirihi. Ketika mau sholat, mereka langsung ambil siwak, meskipun imam sudah takbir,mereka tetap sibuk siwak-an, padahal Rasulullah Shalllallahu 'AlaihiWassalam mengatakan "fa idzaa kabbara fakkabaruu.."Apabila ia (imam)bertakbir, bertakbirlah kalian..". ngga' usah pakai ushalli...ngga' usahpakai siwak.

Adapun mengenai murid-muridnya ...Murid-muridnya banyak sekali bertebaran di Indonesia, bahkan sekarang ini banyak dan lebihbanyak lagi, mereka membuat jam'iyyah lanjutan setelah Ma'had ArRibath...yaitu Jam'iyyah Al Ahqaf. Apel siaganya tiap pagi adalah...keliling kuburan syaikh mereka. Oleh karena tidak pantas mereka menisbatkan pesantrennya kepada salafiyyah, karena salafiyyah adalah..salafy adalah ashhabunnabi Shalllallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam wa ashhabulkiram, itu yang kita nama salafiyah. dan kita tidak menyebut pesantren mereka dengan pesantren salafiyyah !!! Salafiyyah yang mereka (murid Alwi Al Maliki di Indonesia dan Nahdatul 'Ulama) maksudkan adalah pesantren tradisional, ngajinya pake kitab kuning, mandinya dengan 2qullah meskipun sudah kotor/butek/keruh airnya sampai-sampai membuatkulit gatal. ( maksudnya orang - orang "salafiyyah" NU mengganggap bahwa air yang telah mencapai 2 qullah tidak dapat ternajisi oleh apapun...padahal pemahaman yang benar tidaklah demikian )

Nah oleh sebab itu, IkhwanifillahA'azzakumullah....dikatakan pula Syaikh Alwi Al Maliki ini memilikiziarah (kunjungan) ke Indonesia setiap satu tahun sekali, ziarahnya langsung ke Jawa Timur, ke tempat para fans nya ( maksudnya bekas muridnya ), Saya orang jawa timur...dan banyak bertemu denganpengikut-pengikut mereka ini.

Bahkan satu cerita mengatakan, Wallahua'lam cerita ini betul atau tidak...bahkan diantara orang-orang yang diziarahi terutama orang-orang madura... arek-arek situbondo itu...mereka rela menikahkan anaknya dengan syaikh ini, dalam rangka mengambil keturunan habaib. Perlu kita ketahui keturunan habaib tidakada fungsinya disisi Allah Ta'ala kecuali dengan taqwa !!!.

Habaib banyak...habaib banyak di Indonesia...yang ngaku habaib...habib...habib...habib, tapi perbuatannya...adalah menyalahi SunnahRasulullah Shalllallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam, bukan pencinta RasulullahShalllallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam. Katanya habaib juga masih main perempuan... Katanya habaib juga masih jualan tanah surga,katanya...perbuatan macam apa yang dilakukan para habaib seperti ini ???

Ikhwanifillah... antum coba sekarang lihat di Bogor, kebetulan sayawaktu itu tinggal di Jakarta dan saya suka ke Bogor...disana ada kuburan yang dikeramatkan milik habib fulan... omzetnya setiap hari atau setiap minggu, melebihi 30 Juta, oleh karena itu mereka tidak mau meninggalkan kerjaan seperti ini...bayangkan 1 minggu dapat 30 juta...bandingkan dengan gaji pegawai negeri...satu minggu dapat berapa ??? belum potongan-potongan yang lain..., yang datang disana juga para pejabat -pejabat, seperti inilah kondisi umat kita, yang mau dibohongi oleh pemuja-pemuja kuburan habaib. Dan parahnya...para prajurit-prajurit alawiyyin (maksudnya murid alwi al maliki) ini banyak mengajar diPesantren NU, seperti Pesantren Tebu Ireng, Pesantren Kyai As'ad, dan Pesantren Ash Shidiqiyyah di Kedoya Jakarta. Ciri-ciri mereka sama...kalau pake gamis, sorbannya/selendangnya berwarna hijau...kalau pake sarung, ngga' tahu saya ciri-ciriya...

(SELESAI TANYA JAWAB )Sumber : ditranskrip dari CD Dakwah Bedah Buku Intensif 2004 CD-3,Sesi tanya jawab (kajian tanggal 13 Dzulhijjah 1424 H)

Next: Membahas tentang kitab-kitab Alwi Almaliki

Hasan Al-bana Rahimahullah dan Al-Mahdi

Dalam kitab hadits karangan beliau (Hasan Al-Bana Rahimallah) Hadits Ats-Tsulatsa'. Mengenai munculnya Imam Mahdi, beliau mengingkari munculnya Al-Mahdi. Berikut yang beliau sampaikan:

"Diantara sikap yang baik adalah kami tidak memandang dalam sunnah yang sahih ada hadits yang menetapkan dakwaan akan munculnya Al-Mahdi, dan hadits-haditsnya hanya berkisar antara lemah dan palsu."

Jawaban dari ucapan dan pemikiran beliau :
Hadits-hadits seputar Al-mahdi dan keluarnya Al-mahdi diakhir zaman mencapai 50 Hadits, diantara hadits tersebut ada yang sahih, hasan dan ada yang tingkatannya dibawah hasan (lemah).

Berkata imam As-Safarini dalam aqidahnya :
"Beriman akan munculnya Al-Mahdi adalah wajib sebagaimana hal itu sudah menjadi ketetapan dikalangan para Ulama dan dibukukan dalam kitab-kitab aqidah Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah."

Berkata Syaikh Albani dalam al-silsilah Ash-shahihah:
"Hadits-Hadits tentang kedatangan Al-Mahdi telah mencapai tingkat mutawatir dan berlimpah dengan banyaknya para perowi hadits seputar Al-Mahdi dari Al-Mustofa salallahu'alahi wasalam, Al-Mahdi dari Ahlul Bait beliau, dia akan muncul bersama Isa 'alaihi salam, lalu membantunya untuk membunuh Dajjal, dia akan mengimami umat Islam dan Isa kelak akan shalat di belakangnya."

Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008

Allah Bersemayam diatas 'Arsy

Ketika membaca salah satu blog dari Malaysia, Seorang yang Tak rela ketika Para Ulama mengatakan bahwasanya Syaikh Alawi Maliki adalah sesat (Beliau telah mengarang Kitab seputar Tawassul dan Banyak membawakan Hadits Dhaif). Seorang yang mengatakan bahwasanya Allah Exist Without Place. Seseorang yang telah menghina para Ulama dan merendahkan mereka. Seorang yang bernama Abu Syafiq.

Lahaula wala Quwata ila billah.

Karena aku bukanlah Ahli Hadits ataupun seorang yang Ahli Berbahasa Arab, maka aku tak ingin berpanjang lebar seputar masalah ini. Karena Masalah tentang Dimanakah Allaah? Sudahlah Jelas, Semua Sahabat, Para Ulama terdahulu dan para Ahlusunnah wal Jama'ah mengimani hal yang sama.

Suatu Saat seorang datang ke Majelis Imam Maliki, orang tersebut menanyakan tentang Istiwa' Allah.

Imam Malik menjawab :
Firman Allah :"(Yaitu) Yang Maha Pemurah, Yang bersemayam di atas ‘Arsy.” [Thaahaa: 5]

"Istiwa’-nya Allah ma’lum (sudah diketahui maknanya), dan kaifiyatnya tidak dapat dicapai nalar (tidak diketahui), dan beriman kepadanya wajib, bertanya tentang hal tersebut adalah perkara bid’ah, dan aku tidak melihatmu kecuali da-lam kesesatan.”Kemudian Imam Malik rahimahullah menyuruh orang tersebut pergi dari majelisnya. [[Lihat Syarhus Sunnah lil Imaam al-Baghawi (I/171), Mukhtasharul ‘Uluw lil Imaam adz-Dzahabi (hal. 141)]]

Kemudian perkataan serupa juga datang dari Imam Hanafi
"Barangsiapa yang mengingkari bahwa Allah k berada di atas langit, maka ia telah kafir.”[[Lihat Mukhtashar al-‘Uluw lil ‘Aliyyil Ghaffaar (hal. 137, no. 119)]]

"Lalu Dia bersemayam di atas ‘Arsy.” [Al-A’raaf: 54]

Al-Hafizh Ibnu Katsir rahimahullah berkata:
“...Pandangan yang kami ikuti berkenaan dengan masalah ini adalah pandangan Salafush Shalih seperti Imam Malik, al-Auza’i, ats-Tsauri, al-Laits bin Sa’ad, Imam asy-Syafi’i, Imam Ahmad, Ishaq bin Rahawaih dan Imam-Imam lainnya sejak dahulu hingga sekarang, yaitu mem-biarkannya seperti apa adanya, tanpa takyif (mempersoalkan kaifiyahnya/hakikatnya), tanpa tasybih (penyerupaan) dan tanpa ta’thil (penolakan). Dan setiap makna zhahir yang terlintas pada benak orang yang menganut faham musyabbihah (menyerupakan Allah dengan makhluk), maka makna tersebut sangat jauh dari Allah, karena tidak ada sesuatu pun dari ciptaan Allah yang menyerupai-Nya.

Seperti yang difirmankan-Nya."Tidak ada sesuatu pun yang serupa dengan-Nya. Dan Allah-lah Yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Melihat."[Asy-Syuuraa: 11]

Tetapi persoalannya adalah sebagaimana yang dikemukakan oleh para Imam, di antaranya adalah Nu’aim bin Hammad al-Khuza’i -guru Imam al-Bukhari-, ia mengatakan: ‘Barangsiapa yang menyerupakan Allah dengan makhluk-Nya, maka ia kafir. Dan barangsiapa yang mengingkari sifat yang telah Allah berikan untuk Diri-Nya sendiri, berarti ia juga telah kafir.’ Tidaklah apa-apa yang telah disifatkan Allah bagi Diri-Nya sendiri dan oleh Rasul-Nya merupakan suatu bentuk penyerupaan. Barangsiapa yang menetapkan bagi Allah Azza wa Jalla setiap apa yang disebutkan pada ayat-ayat Al-Qur-an yang jelas dan hadits-hadits yang shahih, dengan pengertian yang sesuai dengan kebesaran Allah, serta menafikan segala kekurangan dari Diri-Nya, berarti ia telah menempuh jalan hidayah (petunjuk).”
Lihat Tafsiir Ibni Katsiir (II/246-247)

Imam ath-Thahawi rahimahullah berkata: “Allah tidak membutuhkan ‘Arsy dan apa yang di bawahnya. Allah menguasai segala sesuatu dan apa yang di atasnya. Dan Dia tidak memberi kemampuan kepada makhluk-Nya untuk mengetahui segala sesuatu.”

Kemudian beliau rahimahullah menjelaskan: “Bahwa Allah mencipta-kan ‘Arsy dan bersemayam di atasnya, bukanlah karena Allah membutuhkan ‘Arsy tetapi Allah mempunyai hikmah tersendiri tentang hal itu.” [[Syarhul ‘Aqiidah ath-Thahaawiyah (hal. 368-369), takhrij dan ta’liq Syu’aib al-Arnauth dan ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abdil Muhsin at-Turki]]

Alkisah….. Imam Muslim dan lainnya telah meriwayatkan dari Muawiyyah bin al-Hakam as-Sulami Radhiyallahu ‘anhu ia berkata. “ Aku memiliki sekawanan kambing yang berada diantara gunung Uhud dan Jawwaniyah, disana ada seorang budak wanita. Suatu hari aku memeriksa kambing-kambing itu, tiba-tiba aku dapati bahwa seekor serigala telah membawa (memangsa) salah satu diantara kambing-kambing itu, sementara aku seorang manusia biasa, aku menyesalinya, lalu aku menampar wanita itu. Kemudian kudatangi Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam dan kuceritakan kejadian tersebut kepadanya, beliaupun membesarkan peristiwa itu atasku, maka kukatakan (kepadanya) : 'Wahai Rasulullah, tidakkah (lebih baik) aku memerdekakannya?' Beliau berkata : 'Panggillah ia!' Lalu aku memanggilnya, maka beliau berkata kepadanya : 'Dimana Allah?' Wanita itu menjawab : 'Diatas'. Beliau bertanya lagi : 'Siapakah aku?' Ia menjawab : 'Engkau adalah utusan Allah!' Beliau berkata : 'Bebaskanlah (merdekakanlah dia)! karena sesungguhnya dia adalah seorang wanita yang beriman'." [Ahmad V/447, Muslim No. 537]

Maka saudaraku... Kaum muslimin, marilah kita mengimani apa-apa yang Rasulullaah, Para Sahabah, Para Ulama terdahulu Imani tentang Allah yang bersemayam di atas 'Arsy. Dan tidak menyamakan-Nya dengan sifat makhluq-Nya.

Barakallaahu fikum.

Bermimpi tentang Syaikh Albani

Percakapan ini terjadi antara Syaikh Albani rahimahullah dan seorang wanita dari algeria [didengar dari rekaman suaranya, kemungkinan besar komunikasi ini terjadi melalui telpon, atau ketika diadakannya ceramah oleh Syaikh.

[wanita] : Ya Syaikh! Saya mempunyai berita!
[Syaikh] : Saya berharap Allah merahmatimu dengan berita bagus.
[wanita] : Salah satu akhwat pernah bermimpi, dan saya akan memberitahukannya kepada engkau.
[Syaikh] : Saya berharap dia melihat sesuatu yang baik.
[Wanita] : Ya Syaikh! apakah jika seseorang ingin menceritakan mimpinya kemudian mengatakan “Saya harap kamu melihat sesuatu yang bagus dan berharap itu bagus” Apakah itu sesuai dengan sunnah?”
[Syaikh] : Tidak, ucapan ini tidak ada dalam sunnah, tapi tidak mengapa mengucapkannya
[Wanita]: Seorang teman bermimpi, dalam mimpi itu iya berada dalam sebuah ruangan, yang didalam ruangan itu ada jalan. Dan diatas jalan ini dia melihat Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi wassalam [ia mengenalnya dari ciri-cirinya]. Dan dia melihatku berdiri didepan Rasulullah, dan melihat Rasulullah senyum kepadaku, dan aku pun senyum kepada Rasulullah . Kemudian aku memanggil memanggil teman tersebut, dan berkata kepadanya “mendekatlah kemari kepada kami”. Dia pun mendekat dan bertanya kepadaku, siapakah orang yang engkau lihat ini?”
Kemudian aku berkata; “Lihatlah kepada orang yang melihat kepadaku ini” , dia pun melihat Rasulullah.
Rasulullah kemudian tersenyum, dan meneruskan perjalanannya di atas jalan tersebut.
Kami kemudian berjalan bersama (aku dan teman yang menceritakan mimpi ini). Dan ketika kami sedang berjalan, kami melihat seorang Syaikh yang juga sedang berjalan pada jalan yang sama.
Kami pun mengucapkan “Assalamualaikum”
Syaikh tersebut kemudian menjawab “Waalaikumsalam Warrahmatullah wa barakatuh”
Kemudian Syaikh tersebut bertanya kepada kami “Apakah kalian melihat Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi wassalam?
Kami menjawab “ya, kami melihat beliau”
Temanku kemudian bertanya kepadaku “Siapakah Syaikh ini?”
Akupun berkata kepadanya “Ini adalah Syaikh Albani”
[akhir dari mimpi]

Wanita yang bercerita itu kemudian berkata “Aku berdoa kepada Allah untuk menjadikan mimpi ini menjadi kabar baik untuk mu Ya Syaikh, dan aku ingin memberitahu , semoga ini menjadi berita baik - insya allah, bahwa engkau telah berjalan di atas jalan sunnah ya Syaikh. Insya allah ta’ala . “bagaimana pendapatmu Syaikh?”
Disini Syaikh tidak mengatakan apapun, air mata beliau terlihat mulai bercucuran dan beliau rahimahullah pun menangis. [tangisan ini sempat terekam selama 2 menit, sebelum kemudian beliau menyuruh orang-orang yang berada disekitar beliau untuk meninggalkan beliau sendiri]

Berikut Rekaman Suara Beliau saat Ditelpon :

Please Note: Mimpi tersebut bukanlah Hujjah atas kebenaran Manhaj yang Syaikh Albani anut, namun hanya kabar gembira. Kebenaran Manhaj dibuktikan dengan Ilmu yang shahih dan nyata.


Although the Image that Israel distributes about herself is that of an oppressed nation, it is with heavy hearts that we present these crimes that stand for themselves for the brutality of the Israeli Army and the heartlessness of its soldiers who seem to have a thirst for blood. It is for the hope that the world may see a clearer picture that we present these painful facts. It is interesting to notice that today's media does not dwell on these crimes as they do on the Holocaust. They are reported in the news for a week or two and then swept into the sea of oblivion. Those who attempt to revive the true history of Israel are charged of being anti-Semitic. So with the hope to keep those memories in mind we present this shameful history of Israel that seems to have found that the role of Goliath is more interesting than that of David.

The King David Massacre: The King David Hotel explosion of July 22, 1946 (Palestine), which resulted in the deaths of 92 Britons, Arabs and Jews, and in the wounding of 58, was not just an act of "Jewish extremists" but a premeditated massacre conducted by the Irgun in agreement with the highest Jewish political authorities in Palestine-- the Jewish Agency and its head David-Ben-Gurion.
According to Yitshaq Ben-Ami, a Palestinian Jew who spent 30 years in exile after the establishment of Israel investigating the crimes of the ruthless clique heading the internal Zionist movement, The Irgun had conceived a plan for the King David attack early in 1946, but the green light was given only on July first. According to Dr. Sneh, the operation was personally approved by Ben-Gurion, from his self-exile in Europe. Sadeh, the operations officer of the Haganah, and Giddy Paglin, the head of the Irgun operation under Menachem Begin agreed that thirty-five minutes advance notice would give the British time enough to evacuate the wing, without enabling them to disarm the explosion.

The Jewish Agency™s motive was to destroy all evidence the British had gathered proving that the terrorist crime waves in Palestine were not merely the actions of fringe groups such as the Irgun and Stern Gang, but were committed in collusion with the Haganah and Palmach groups and under the direction of the highest political body of the Zionist establishment itself, namely the Jewish Agency.
That so many innocent civilian lives were lost in the King David massacre is a normal part of the pattern of the history of Zionist outrages: A criminal act is committed, allegedly by an isolated group, but actually under the direct authorization of the highest Zionist authorities, whether of the Jewish Agency during the Palestine Mandate or of the Government of Israel thereafter.

The following is a statement made in the House of Commons by then British Prime Minister Clement Attlee: On July 22, 1946, one of the most dastardly and cowardly crimes in recorded history took place. We refer to the blowing up of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. Ninety-two persons lost their lives in that stealthy attack, 45 were injured, among whom there were many high officials, junior officers and office personnel, both men and women. The King David Hotel was used as an office housing the Secretariat of the Palestine Government and British Army Headquarters. The attack was made on 22 July at about 12' clock noon when offices are usually in full swing. The attackers, disguised as milkmen, carried the explosives in milk containers, placed them in the basement of the Hotel and ran away.

The Chief Secretary for the Government of Palestine, Sir John Shaw, declared in a broadcast: As head of the Secretariat, the majority of the dead and wounded were my own staff, many of whom I have known personally for eleven years. They are more than official colleagues. British, Arabs, Jews, Greeks, Armenians; senior officers, police, my orderly, my chauffeur, messengers, guards, men and women-- young and old-- they were my friends.

No man could wish to be served by a more industrious, loyal and honest group of ordinary decent people. Their only crime was their devoted, unselfish and impartial service to Palestine and its people. For this they have been rewarded by cold-blooded mass murder.

Although members of the Irgun'vai Leumi took responsibility for this crime, yet they also made it public later that they obtained the consent and approval of the Haganah Command, and it follows, that of the Jewish Agency.

The King David Hotel massacre shocked the conscience of the civilized world. On July 23, Anthony Eden, leader of the British opposition Conservative Party, posed a question in the House of Commons to Prime Minister Atlee of the Labor Party, asking the Prime Minister whether he has any statement to make on the bomb outrage at the British Headquarters in Jerusalem. The Prime Minister responded:Every effort is being made to identify and arrest the perpetrators of this outrage. The work of rescue in the debris, which was immediately organized, still continues. The next-of-kin of casualties are being notified by telegram as soon as accurate information is available. The House will wish to express their profound sympathy with the relatives of the killed and with those injured in this dastardly outrage.

The Massacre at Baldat al-Shaikh:
January 30-31, 1947(Palestine) : This massacre took place following an argument which broke out between Palestinian workers and Zionists in the Haifa Petroleum Refinery, leading to the deaths of a number of Palestinians and wounding and killing approximately sixty Zionists. A large number of the Palestinian Arab workers were living in Baldat al-Shaikh and Hawasa, located in the southeast of Haifa. Consequently, the Zionists planned to take revenge on behalf of fellow Zionists who had been killed in the refinery by attacking Baldat al-Shaikh and Hawasa.
1. On the night of January 30-31, 1947, a mixed force composed of the First Battalion of Palmakh and the Carmelie brigade (estimated at approximately 150 to 200 Zionist terrorists) launched a raid against the two towns under the leadership of Hayim Afinu'am.]
2. They focused their attack on the outskirts of Baldat al-Shaikh and Hawasa. Taking the outlying homes by surprise as their inhabitants slept, they pelted them with hand grenades, then went inside, firing their machine guns.
3. The terrorist attack led to the deaths of approximately sixty citizens inside their homes, most of them women, elderly and children.
4. The attack lasted for an hour, after which the Zionists withdrew at 2:00 a.m., having attacked a large number of noncombatant homes.
5. According to a report written by the leader of the terrorist operation, "the attacking units slipped into the town and began working on the houses. And due to the fact that gunfire was directed inside the rooms, it was not possible to avoid
injuring women and children."
13 December 1947 (Palestine) : men of the Arab village of Yehiday (near Petah Tekva, the first Zionist settlement to be established) met at the local coffee house when they saw a British Army patrol enter the village, they were reassured espeically that Jewish terrorists had murdered 12 Palestinians the previous day. The four cars stopped in front of the cafe house and out stepped men dressed in khaki uniforms and steel helmets. However, it soon became apparent that they had not come to protect the villagers. With machine guns they sprayed bullets into the crowd gathered in the coffee house. Some of the invaders placed bombs next to Arab homes while other disguised terrorists tossed grenades at civilians. For a while it seemed as if the villagers would be annihilated but soon a real British patrol arrived to foil the well organized killing raid. The death toll of 7 Arab civilans could have been much higher. Earlier the same day 6 Arabs were killed and 23 wounded when home made bombs were tossed at a crowd of Arabs standing near the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. In Jaffa another bomb killed six more Arabs and injured 40.

18 December 1947(Palestine) : Two carloads of Haganah terrorists drove through the village of Khisas (on the Lebanese Syrian border) firing machine guns and throwing grenades. 10 Arab civilians were killed in the raid.

19 December 1947(Palestine) : 5 Arab children were murdered when Jewish terrorists blew up the house of the village Mukhtar.
The Semiramis Hotel Massacre:

5/7/1948(Palestine): The Jewish Agency escalated their terror campaign against Palestinian Arabs.

They decided to perpetrate a wholesale massacre by bombing the Semiramis Hotel in the Katamon section of Jerusalem, in order to drive out the Palestinians from Jerusalem. The massacre of the Semiramis Hotel on January 5, 1948, was the direct responsibility of Jewish Agency leader David Ben-Gurion and Haganah leaders Moshe Sneh and Yisrael Galili. If this massacre had taken place in World War II, they would have been sentenced to death for their criminal responsibility along with the terrorists who placed the explosives.

A description of the massacre of the Semiramis Hotel from the United Nations Documents follows, as well as the Palestinian Police report on the crime sent to the Colonial Office in London:
January 5, 1948. Haganah terrorists made a most barbarous attack at one o'clock in the early morning of Monday at the Semiramis Hotel in the Katamon section of Jerusalem, killing innocent people and wounding many. The Jewish Agency terrorist forces blasted the entrance to the hotel by a small bomb and then placed bombs in the basement of the building. As a result of the explosion the whole building collapsed with its residents. As the terrorists withdrew, they started shooting at the houses in the neighborhood. Those killed were: Subhi El-Taher, Moslem; Mary Masoud, Christian; Georgette Khoury, Christian; Abbas Awadin, Moslem; Nazira Lorenzo, Christian; Mary Lorenzo, Christian; Mohammed Saleh Ahmed, Moslem; Ashur Abed El Razik Juma, Moslem; Ismail Abed El Aziz, Moslem; Ambeer Lorenzo, Christian; Raof Lorenzo, Christian; Abu Suwan Christian family, seven members, husband, wife, and five children.
Besides those killed, 16 more were wounded, among them women and children. The following is a text of a cable by the High Commissioner for Palestine to the Colonial Office about the massacre:
Jerusalem. 0117 hours, Urban. At approximately 0117 hours, a grenade was thrown into the Semiramis Hotel, Katamon Quarter, causing superficial damage but no casualties. During the ensuing confusion, a charge was placed in the building and it exploded about one minute later, completely demolishing half the hotel. Witnesses have stated that the perpetrators arrived by way of the Upper Katamon Road in two taxis. Four persons are reported to have alighted from the first taxi, and one person, who apparently covered the main party, from the second. All were wearing European clothes

The Massacre at Dair Yasin:
9/4/1948(Palestine): The forces of the Zionist gangs Tsel, Irgun and Hagana, fitted out with the Zionist terrorist strategy of killing civilians in order to achieve their aspirations, began stealing into the village on the night of April 9, 1948. Their purpose was to uproot the Palestinian people from their land by coming upon the inhabitants of the village unawares, destroying their homes and burning them down on top of those inside, thereby making clear to the entire world to what depths of barbarism Zionist had sunk. The attack began as the children were asleep in their mothers' and fathers' arms. In the words of Menachim Begin as he described events, "the Arabs fought tenaciously in defense of their homes, their women and their children." The fighting proceeded from house to house, and whenever the Jews occupied a house, they would blow it up, then direct a call to the inhabitants to flee or face death. Believing the threat, the people left in terror in hopes of saving their children and women. But what should the Stern and Irgun gangs do but rush to mow down whoever fell within range of their weapons. Then, in a picture of barbarism the likes of which humanity has rarely witnessed except on the part of the most depraved, the terrorists began throwing bombs inside the houses in order to bring them down on whoever was inside. The orders they had received were for them to destroy every house. Behind the explosives there marched the Stern and Irgun terrorists, who killed whoever they found alive. The explosions continued in the same barbaric fashion until the afternoon of April 10, 1948.
7 Then they gathered together the civilians who were still alive, stood them up beside the walls and in corners, then fired on them. 8 About twenty-five men were brought out of the houses, loaded onto a truck and led on a "victory tour" in the neighborhood of Judah Mahayina and Zakhroun Yousif. At the end of the tour, the men were brought to a stone quarry located between Tahawwu'at Shawul and Dair Yasin, where they were shot in cold blood. Then the Etsel and Layhi "fighters" brought the women and the children who had managed to survive up to a truck and took them to the Mendelbaum Gate.8 Finally, a Hagana unit came and dug a mass grave in which it buried 250 Arab corpses, most of them women, children and the elderly. 9 A woman who survived the massacre by the name of Halima Id describes what happened to her sister. She says, "I saw a soldier grabbing my sister, Saliha al-Halabi, who was nine months pregnant. He pointed a machine gun at her neck, then emptied its contents into her body. Then he turned into a butcher, and grabbed a knife and ripped open her stomach to take out the slaughtered child with his iniquitous Nazi knife."
10 In another location in the village, Hanna Khalil, a girl at the time, saw a man unsheathing a large knife and ripping open the body her neighbor Jamila Habash from head to toe. Then he murdered their neighbor Fathi in the same way at the entranceway to the house. 11 A 40-year-old woman named Safiya describes how she was come upon by a man who suddenly opened up his trousers and pounced on her. "I began screaming and wailing. But the women around me were all meeting the same fate. After that they tore off our clothes so that they could fondle our breasts and our bodies with gestures too horrible to describe." 12 Some of the soldiers cut off women's ears in order to get at a few small earrings.
13 Once news of the massacre had gotten out, a delegation from the Red Cross tried to visit the village. However, they weren't allowed to visit the site until a day after the time they had requested. Meanwhile the Zionists tried to cover up the evidence of their crime. They gathered up as much as they could of the victims' dismembered corpses, threw them in the village well, then closed it up. And they tried to change the landmarks in the area so that the Red Cross representative wouldn't be able to find his way there. However, he did find his way to the well, where he found 150 maimed corpses belonging to women, children and the elderly. And in addition to the bodies which were found in the well, scores of others had been buried in mass graves while still others remained strewn over street corners and in the ruins of houses. 14 Afterwards, the head of the terrorist Hagana gang which had taken part in burying the Palestinian civilians wrote saying that his group had not undertaken a military operation against armed men, the reason being that they wanted to plant fear in the Arabs' hearts. This was the reason they chose a peaceable, unarmed village, since in this way they could spread terror among the Arabs and force them to flee. 15

13-14 April 1948(Palestine) : a contingent of Lehi and Irgon entered this village (near Tiberias) entered the village on the night of 13 April dressed as Arab fighters. Upon their entrance to the village the people went out to greet them, the terrorists met them with fire, killing every single one of them. Only 40 people survived. All the houses of the village were raised to the ground.

May 15, 1948 (Palestine): "From testimonies and information I got from Jewish and Arab witnesses and from soldiers who were there, at least 200 people from the village of Tantura were killed by Israeli troops...

"From the numbers, this is definitely one of the biggest massacres," Teddy Katz an Israeli historian said Tantura, near Haifa in northern Palestine, had 1,500 residents at the time. It was later demolished to make way for a parking lot for a nearby beach and the Nahsholim kibbutz, or cooperative farm.

Fawzi Tanji, now 73 and a refugee at a camp in the West Bank, is from Tantura he said: I was 21 years old then. They took a group of 10 men, lined them up against the cemetery wall and killed them. Then they brought another group, killed them, threw away the bodies and so on, Tanji said. I was waiting for my turn to die in cold blood as I saw the men drop in front of me.

Katz said other Palestinians were killed inside their homes and in other parts of the village. At one point, he said, soldiers shot at anything that moved.

21 May 1948(Palestine): after a number of failed attempts to occupy this village, the Zionists mobilized a large contingent and surrounded the village. The people of Beit Daras decided that women and children should leave. As women and children left the village they were met by the Zionist army who massacred them despite the fact that they could see they were women and children fleeing the fighting.

11 July 1948 (Palestine): after the Israeli 89th Commando Battalion lead by Moshe Dayan occupied Lydda, the Israelis told Arabs through loudspeakers that if they went into a certain mosque they would be safe. In retaliation for a hand grenade attack after the surrender that killed several Israeli soldiers, 80-100 Palestinians were massacred in the mosque, their bodies lay decomposing for 10 days in the mid-summer heat. The mosque still stands abandoned today. This massacre spread fear and panic among the Arab population of Lydda and Ramle, who were then ordered to march out of these towns after they were stripped of all personal belonging by Israeli soldiers. Yetzak Rabin, Brigade Commander then says: - There was no way of avoiding the use of force and warning shots in order to make the inhabitants march ten to fifteen miles to the point where they met up with the legion-. Most of the 60,000 inhabitants of Lyda and Ramble came to refugee camps near Ramallah, around 350 lost their lives on the way through dehydration and son stroke. Many survived by drinking their own urine. The conditions in the refugee camps were to claim more lives.

On October 29 Palestine): the Israeli army brutally massacred about 100 women and children, precipitating a massive flight of people from that village on the western side of the Hebron mountains. Mr. Walid Khalidi, author of All That Remains, says that the Palestinian inhabitants at Dawayma faced one of the larger Israel massacres, though today it is among the least well-known.

The following are excerpts of a description of the massacre published in the Israeli daily Al ha Mishmar, quoted in All That Remains:

The children they killed by breaking their heads with sticks. There was not a house without dead one commander ordered a sapper to put two old women in a certain house and to blow up the house with them. The sapper refused the commander then ordered his men to put in the old women and the evil deed was done. One soldier boasted that he had raped a woman and then shot her!

A former mukhtar (head of a village) of Dawayma interviewed in 1984 by the Israeli daily Hadashot, also quoted by Mr. Khalidi, offered another description:

The people fled, and everyone they saw in the houses, they shot and killed. They also killed people in the streets. They came and blew up my house, in the presence of eye-witnesses the moment that the tanks came and opened fire, I left the village immediately. At about half-past ten, two tanks passed the Darawish Mosque. About 75 old people were there, who had come early for Friday prayers. They gathered in the mosque to pray. They were all killed.

About 35 families had been hiding in caves outside Dawayma, according to the mukhtar, and when the Israeli forces discovered them they were told to come out, line up, and begin walking. And as they started to walk, they were shot by machine guns from two sides we sent people there that night, who collected the bodies, put them into a cistern, and buried them, the mukhtar told the Israeli daily.

26/10/1948 (Lebanon) :Houla is located in southern Lebanon, only a few kilometers from the Israeli border. When Arab volunteers gathered to liberate Palestine from "Israeli" occupation, they established their headquarters in Houla, on hills overlooking Palestine. The force was successful in fending off major attacks on Lebanese villages, but the fighters suddenly withdrew on October 26, 1948." "Jewish militants attacked the town to avenge the residents' support of Arab resistance forces. On October 31, Jewish militants dressed in traditional Arab attire entered the border village. Residents gathered to cheer the men, thinking Arab volunteer fighters had returned. They were wrong. The militants rounded up 85 people and detained them in a number of houses, firing live ammunition at the civilians and killing all but three. That was not enough. Jewish militants blew up the houses with dead corpses inside. They confiscated property and livestock. The three who survived the massacre, of whom one is still alive, and other town residents fled to Beirut. Following the armistice agreement between Lebanon and "Israel" in 1949, village residents returned to find their houses in rubbles and their farms burnt. Houla remains under Israeli occupation today, and has suffered the brunt of "Israeli" animosity towards Lebanon. Only 1,200 out of 12,000 people remain in the village. The Houla massacre was one of a series of massacres committed by "Israel" against Lebanese civilians.

Salha Massacre: 1948 (Lebanon) : After forcing the population together in the mosque of the village, the occupation forces ordered then to face the wall, then started shooting them from behind until the mosque was turned into bloodbath, 105 person were mrytyred.

7 Febraury 1951(Palestine): Israeli soldiers corssed the armistice line to this village (5Km from Jerusalem) and blew up the houses of the Mukhtar and his neighbors. 10 were killed (2 elderly men,raeli soldiers corssed the armistice line to this village (5Km from Jerusalem) and blew up the houses of the Mukhtar and his neighbors. 10 were killed (2 elderly men, 3 woemen and 5 children) and 8 were wounded.

The Massacre at Qibya:

14-15/10/1953 (Palestine): On the night of October 14-15, 1953 , this village was the object of a brutal "Israeli" attack which was carried out by units from the regular army as part of a pre-meditated plan and in which a variety of weapon types were used. On the evening of October 14, an Israeli military force estimated at about 600 soldiers moved toward the village. Upon arrival, it surrounded it and cordoned it off from all of
the other Arab villages. The attack began with concentrated, indiscriminate artillery fire on the homes in the village. This continued until the main force reached the outskirts of the village. Meanwhile, other forces headed for nearby Arab towns such as Shuqba, Badrus and Na'lin in order to distract them and prevent any aid from reaching the people in Qibya. They also planted mines on various roads so as to isolate the village completely. As units of the Israeli infantry were attacking the village residents, units of military engineers were placing explosives around some of the houses in the village and blowing them up with everyone in them under the protection of the infantrymen, who fired on everyone who tried to flee. These acts of brutality continued until 4:00 a.m., October 15, 1953, at which time the enemy forces withdrew to the bases from which they had begun.16 There was a particular sight the
memory of which remained in the minds of all who saw it: an Arab woman sitting on a pile of debris and casting a forlorn look into the sky. From beneath the rubble one could see small legs and hands which were the remains of her six children, while the
bullet-maimed body of her husband lay in the road before her.17 This vicious terrorist attack resulted in the destruction of 56 houses, the village mosque, the village school and the water tank which supplied it with water. Moreover, 67 citizens lost their lives, both men and women, with many others wounded.18 Terrorist Ariel Sharon, the commander of the "101" unit which undertook the terrorist aggression, stated that his leaders' orders had been clear with regard to how the residents of the village were to be dealt with. He says, "The orders were utterly clear: Qibya was to be an example to everyone."19

On October 29, 1956 (Palestine): the day on which Israel launched its assault on Egypt , units of Israel Frontier guards started at 4:00 PM what they called a tour of the Triangle Villages. They told the Mukhtars (Aldermen) of those villages that the curfew from that day onwards was to start from 5:00 PM instead of the usual 6:00 PM, and that the inhabitants are requested to stay home. The Mukhtar (Alderman) protested that there were about 400 villagers working outside the village and there was not enough time to inform them of the new times. An officer assured him that they will be taken care of.

Meanwhile, the officers positioned themselves at the village entrance. At about 4.55 PM, unaware of the ambush awaiting them, the innocent farmers started flocking in after a hard day of work. The Israeli soldiers started stepping out of their military trucks and ordered the villagers to line up. Then the officer in charge screamed "REAP THEM," and the soldiers riddled the bodies of the Palestinian villagers with bullets in cold blood. With the massacre practically over, the soldiers moved around finishing off whoever still had a pulse in him.

The government of Israel took great pains to hide the truth, but after the investigation was concluded, Ben Gurion, the Israeli Prime Minister, announced that some people in the Triangle had been injured by thefrontier guards. The press also was part of the conspiracy to cover up the incident. The Hebrew press wrote about a "mistake?" and a "misfortune" , when it mentioned the victims, and it was difficult to tell whom it meant. More absurd than the trial of accomplices was their light sentences. The court found Major Meilinki and Lt. Daham guilty of killing 43 people and sentenced the former to 17 years and the latter to 15 years. What was remarkable about the Israeli official attitude was that various authorities competed to lighten the killer's sentences. Finally, the committee for the release of prisoners ordered the remission of a third of the prison sentence of all those who were convicted. In September 1960, Daham was appointed in the municipality of the city of Ramle as officer for the Arab Affairs.

Khan Yunis Massacre:
3/11/1956 (Palestine): Another massacre is committed on November 3, 1956 when the Israelis occupy the town of Khan Yunis and the adjacent refugee camp. The Israelis claim that there was resistance, but the refugees state that all resistance had ceased when the Israelis arrived and that all of the victims were unarmed civilians.
Many homes in Khan Yunis are raided at random. Corpses lie everywhere and because of the curfew no one could go out to bury them. (An UNRWA investigation later found that the Israelis at Khan Yunis and therefugee camp had murdered 275 civilians that day ).

After the Israelis withdrew from Gaza under American pressure, a mass grave was unearthed at Khan Yunis in March 1957. The grave contained the bodies of forty Arabs who had been shot in the back of the head after their hands had been tied. ("IMPERIAL ISRAEL", Michael Palumbo; London; Bloomsbury Publishing; 1990 pp. 30 - 32, citing UN General Assembly: Official Record, 11th session supplement, nop.)

The Massacre in Gaza City:
5/4/1956 (Palestine): On the evening of Thursday, April 5, 1956, Zionist occupation forces fired 20-mm mortar artillery on the city of Gaza. The shelling was concentrated against the city center, which was teaming with civilians going about their day-to-day affairs.29 Most of the shelling was directed against Mukhtar Street, Palestine Square and nearby streets, as well as the Shuja'iyya district.30 As a result of this terrorist massacre carried out by gangs belonging to the Zionist Army against the Palestinian people, 56 people were killed and 103 were injured, the victims including men, women and children. Some of the wounded died subsequently, bringing the death toll to 60,
including 27 women, 29 men and 4 children.31

13 November 1966(Palestine): Israeli forces raided this village, destroyed 125 houses, the village clinic and school as well as 15 houses in a neighbouring village. 18 people were killed and 54 wounded.

Aitharoun Massacre:
1975 (Lebanon) :The 1sraelis perpetrated this massacre starting with a booby-trapped bomb. Then Israeli's detained three brothers, and killed them. They threw Their bodies on the road. 9 cicvlians were killed, 23 were wounded.

Kawnin Massacre:
15/10/1975(Lebanon): An Israeli tank deliberately ran over a car carrying 16 people, and none of them escaped death.

Hanin Massacre :
16/10/1976(Lebanon): After a two- month siege and hours of shelling, the occupation forces stormed the village and turned it into a bloodbath. 20 perosn were mrtyred.

Bint Jbeil Massacre :
21/10/1976(Lebanon):The crowded market was the target of a sudden barrage of Israeli bombs, slaughtering a lot of people. 23 were killed, 30 were wonded.

Abbasieh Massacre :
17/3/1978 (Lebanon): During the invasion of 1978, the Israeli warplanes destroyed the
mosque of the town on the heads of the women, children and the elderly who used the holy place as a shelter from the heavy Israeli shelling.80 perosn were martyred.

Adloun Massacre :
17/3/1978 (Lebanon): At Adloun on march 17, two cars carrying 8 passengers came under Israeli fire while they were on their way to Beirut. One passenger only escaped death.

Saida Massacre :
4/4/1981 (Lebanon) :One of Saida's residential areas was targeted by the Israeli artillery which resulted in killing of many civilians and damaging to many buildings.20 person were killed, 30 were wounded.

Fakhani Massacre :
17/7/1981 (Lebanon): A horrible massacre took place when Israeli warplanes raided a crowded residential area using the most developed weapons killing and wounding many citizens. 150 person were killed, 600 were wounded.

Beirut Massacre :
17/7/1981 (Lebanon)Israeli warplanes staged several raids on many parts of Beirut, Ouzai, Ramlet Al baida, fakhani, chatila and the area of the Arab University, killing many citizens. 150 person were killed, 600 were wounded.

The Massacre at the Sabra and Shatila Camps:
A number of events led to the decision of an extremist terrorist group of the Lebanese kata'ib forces and forces belonging to the Zionist Army to carry out massacres against the Palestinians. From the beginning of the Zionist invasion of Lebanon, the Zionists and their agents were working toward being able to extirpate the Palestinian presence in Lebanon. This may be seen from a number of massacres of which the world heard only little, carried out by Israeli forces and militias under their command in the Palestinian camps in south Lebanon (al-Rushaidiya, 'Ayn al-Hilu, al-Miya Miya, and others).32 This massacre was thus the outcome of a long mathematical calculation. It was carried out by groups of Lebanese forces under the leadership of Ilyas Haqiba, head of the kata'ib intelligence apparatus and with the approval of the Zionist Minister of Defense, Ariel Sharon and the Commander of the Northern District, General Amir Dawri. High-level Israeli officers had been planning for some time to enable the Lebanese forces to go into the Palestinian camps once West Beirut had been surrounded.33
Two days before the massacre began - on the evening of September 14 - planning and coordination meetings were held between terrorist Sharon and his companion, Eitan. Plans were laid to have the kata'ib forces storm the camps, and at dawn, September 15, Israel stormed West Beirut and cordoned off the camps. A high-level meeting was held on Thursday morning, September 16, 1982 in which Israel was represented by General Amir Dawri, Supreme Commander of the Northern Forces.
The job of carrying out the operation was assigned to Eli Haqiba, a major security official in the Lebanese forces. The meeting was also attended by Fadi Afram, Commander of the Lebanese Forces.34 The process of storming the camps began before sunset on Thursday, September 16,35 and continued for approximately 36 hours.

The Israeli Army surrounded the camps, providing the murderers with all the support, aid and facilities necessary for them to carry out their appalling crime. They supplied them with bulldozers and with the necessary pictures and maps. In addition, they set off incandescent bombs in the air in order to turn night into day so that none of the Palestinians would be able to escape death's grip. And those who did flee - women, children and the elderly - were brought back inside the camps by Israeli soldiers to face their destiny.36 At noon on Friday, the second day of the terrorist massacre, and with the approval of the Israeli Army, the kata'ib forces began receiving more ammunition, while the forces which had been in the camps were replaced by other, "fresh" forces.37 On Saturday morning, September 18, 1982, the massacre had reached its peak, and thousands of Sabra and Shatila camp residents had been annihilated. Information about the massacre began to leak out after a number of children and women fled to the Gaza Hospital in the Shatila camp, where they told doctors what was happening. News of the massacre also began to reach some foreign journalists on Friday morning, September 17.38
One of the journalists who went into the camps after the massacre reports what he saw, saying, "The corpses of the Palestinians had been thrown among the rubble that remained of the Shatila camp. It was impossible to know exactly how many victims there were, but there had to be more than 1,000 dead. Some of the men who had been executed had been lined up in front of a wall, and bulldozers had been used in an attempt to bury the bodies and cover up the aftermath of the massacre. But the hands and feet of the victims protruded from the debris."
Hasan Salama (57 years old), whose 80-year-old brother was killed in the massacre, says, "They came from the mountains in thirty huge trucks. At first they started killing people with knives so that they wouldn't make any noise. Then on Friday there were snipers in the Shatila camp killing anybody who crossed the street. On Friday afternoon, armed men began going into the houses and firing on men, women and children. Then they started blowing up the houses and turning them into piles of rubble."40 Author Amnoun Kabliyouk [p. 10] writes in his book about the tragedy of a young Palestinian girl who, like the rest of the children in the camp, faced this horrific massacre. Thirteen years old, she was the only survivor out of her entire family (her father, her mother, her grandfather and all her brothers and sisters were killed). She related to a Lebanese officer, saying, "We stayed in the shelter until really late on Thursday night, but then I decided to leave with my girl friend because we couldn't breathe anymore. Then all of a sudden we saw people raising white flags and handkerchiefs and coming toward the kata'ib saying, 'We're for peace and harmony.'
And they killed them right then and there. The women were screaming, moaning and begging [for mercy]. As for me, I ran back to our house and got into the bathtub. I saw them leading our neighbors away and shooting them. I tried to stand up at the window to look outside, but one of the kata'ib fighters saw me and shot at me. So I went back to the bathtub and stayed there for five hours. When I came out, they grabbed me and threw me down with everybody else. One of them asked me if I was Palestinian, and I said yes. My nine-month-old nephew was beside me, and he was crying and screaming so much that one of the men got angry, so he shot him. I burst into tears and told him that this baby had been all the family I had left. That made him all the more angry, and he took the baby and tore him in two."41 The massacre continued until noon on Saturday, September 18, leaving between 3,000 and 3,500 Palestinian and Lebanese civilians dead, most of them women, children and elderly people.42

Jibsheet Massacre :
27/3/1984(Lebanon): The occupation forcers tanks and helicopters fired at a crowded people killing many civilians. 7 persons were martyred, 10 were wounded.

Sohmor Massacre :
19/9/1984 (Lebanon): The occupation forces stormed the town with tanks, and military vehicles and ordered the inhabitants to congregate at the town's mosque where they fired at them. 13 martyrs, 12 wounded.

Seer Al Garbiah Massacre :
23/3/1985 (Lebanon): The massacre took place at Al- Husseinieh building where people took shelter from the shelling of the Israeli soldiers who stormed the town with a huge number of military vehicles.7 persons were martyred.

Maaraka Massacres:
5/3/1985(Lebanon): The occupation forces planted an explosive device in the Husseinieh building of the town .It was detonated during the distribution of aid to the citizens who lost their lives. 15 perosns were killed.

Zrariah Massacre :
11/3/1985(Lebanon): Following heavy shelling the occupation forces stormed the town with about 100 vehicles and perpetrated a butchery, killing children, women and the elderly. 22 civlians were slaughtred.

Homeen Al-Tahta Massacre :
21/3/1985(Lebanon): After attacking the village with 140 army vehicles, the occupation forces ordered the inhabitants to gather at the school of the village. They then destroyed it over their heads. 20 incoent person were martyred.

Jibaa Massacre :
30/3/1985(Lebanon): A huge enemy force attacked the town and put it under siege, .When some people tried to escape the siege, the enemy soldiers fired at them, killing and wounding a lot of them. 5 perosn were killed, 5 were wounded.

Yohmor Massacre :
13/4/1985 (Lebanon): At one O'clock in the morning, an Israeli armored force entered the town using civilian cars and opened fire at the houses which resulted in the killing of 10 people, among them a family of six people.

Tiri massacre:
17/8/1986 (Lebanon): Merciless crimes against civilians increased in the town with the occupation forces cutting the hands and ears from the head. 4 persons were killed, 79 were crippled and wounded.

Al-Naher Al-Bared Massacre (Palestinian camp):
11/12/1986(Lebanon): The Israeli warplanes raided this Palestinian refugee camp killing many of the refugees. 20 person were killed , 22 were wounded.

Ain Al-Hillwee Massacre (Palestinian Camp) :
5/9/1987(Lebanon): The enemy jet fighters launched two raids killing 31 and wounding 41 others. The refugees were hit by a thin raid while they were evacuating casualties, 34 more being killed.

20 May 1990, an Israeli soldier lined up Palestinian labors and murdered seven of them with a sub-machine gun. 13 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces in subsequent demonstrations at the massacre.

Siddiqine Massacre:
25/7/1990(Lebanon): The Israeli warplanes bombed a house, among the 3 killed a four years old child.

As an extension of the Zionist policy based upon exercising control over the city of Jerusalem and emptying it of its [Arab] residents by various and sundry means, such as Zionist terrorism and shedding the blood of the Palestinian people - a policy which Zionists have acted upon on numerous occasions - Zionist authorities undertook on Monday, October 8, 1990 to carry out this heinous massacre against Palestinian worshippers. Several days before the events of the massacre began, the "Temple Trustees" group distributed a statement to the media on the occasion of a religious festival of theirs which they call "the Throne Festival". In the statement the organization announced that it intended to stage a march to the Temple Mount (or so they call it). The statement called upon Jews to participate in this march since, according to the statement, it would involve the decisive act of placing the foundation stone for what is called "the Third Temple." In addition, the founder of the organization, Ghershoun Salmoun, announced that "the Arab-Islamic occupation of the temple area must come to an end, and the Jews must renew their profound ties to the sacred area." The march, in which 200,000 Jews took part, headed toward al-Aqsa Mosque in order for "the foundation stone" of the so-called "Third Temple" to be put in place.43 At the same time, that is, at 10:00 a.m. and a half-hour before the beginning of the massacre, Israeli occupation forces began placing military barriers along various roads leading to Jerusalem in order to prevent Palestinians from getting to the city.

They also closed the doors of the mosque itself and forbid Jerusalem residents to go in. However, thousands had already gathered inside the mosque before this time in response to calls from the imam of the mosque and the Islamic movement to protect the mosque and to prevent the "Temple Trustees" from storming it and perhaps even imposing Jewish control over it.44 When the Muslim worshippers began resisting the Zionist group to prevent them from placing the "foundation stone" for their so-called temple, Zionist occupation forces began carrying out the massacre, using all the weapons at their disposal: poison gas bombs, automatic weapons, military helicopters, etc. The soldiers,

[Israeli] intelligence men and Jewish settlers resorted to firing live ammunition in the form of a continuous spray of machine-gun fire which came from all directions and in a well planned and coordinated fashion. The result was that thousands of Palestinian worshippers of various ages and nationalities found themselves in a mass death trap. Twenty-three Palestinians were killed, and 850 others were wounded to varying degrees.45 The Israeli soldiers began firing at 10:30 a.m. and stopped 35 minutes later. They opened fire on the Palestinian worshippers randomly and in cold blood.
Then they pursued them with clubs and rifles [outside the mosque].46 Nurse Fatima Abu Khadir, who was wounded by a bullet which fractured her wrist, states, "We went into the mosque precincts in an ambulance. I saw a large number of injured who had fallen on the ground. Then I saw lots of soldiers, hundreds of soldiers. They were about 30 meters from the ambulance and kneeling on one knee the way snipers do, and their weapons were aimed inside the ambulance. After that I couldn't see anything."47
News agencies described the blessed precincts of al-Aqsa Mosque saying that blood had covered "the entire two hundred meters between the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque. Blood was flowing everywhere, all over the wide steps, and had stained the white tile the length of the broad courtyard, as well as the doors of both mosques. The walls of the two mosques had long, crimson lines etched onto them by bleeding hands, and blood had stained the white uniforms of the woman
first-aid workers. Everyone - the wounded and the more fortunate, first-aid workers, journalists, and Israeli soldiers - all of them looked as though they were swimming in blood.48
Physician Muhammad Abu 'Ayila relates what happened to him and to a wounded man to whom he had been trying to administer first aid, and how the Zionists' glee at the sight of Palestinian blood spilled in the precincts of the holy mosque had blinded their eyes so much that they couldn't distinguish between a young child and an old man, between a man and a woman, between a wounded man and one seeking to treat him. He says, "I got out of the ambulance carrying a first-aid kit. I was wearing a white uniform. The soldiers saw me and knew I was a doctor. But when I got to the wounded person nearest me and bent down to treat him, I got three bullets in my back in the region of the kidney. At that very moment, the wounded man near me died. But he could have been saved if I hadn't been hit."49 Most of the wounds, in fact, were in the head and in the heart.50
Then, in a farce designed to justify the crime which had been committed by Zionists' hands now stained with Palestinian blood, terrorist Yitzhaq Shamir, Prime Minister of the Zionist entity at that time, hastened to form a fact-finding committee which he called the "Zamir Committee" after its head, Tu'fi Zamir, former head of the Israeli Mossad. As for the outcome of the committee's investigation, it was announced by Moshe Almert, head of the Media Office of the occupation government, who said, "The report confirms clearly that the responsibility and fault for escalating [the conflict] lies on the side of the thousands of Muslim extremists, who were attacking the holy place of the Jews."51

February 25, 1994 (Palestine):
While worshippers in the Ibrahimi Mosque in the city of Hebron were kneeling and prostrating before God, turning their faces toward the sacred house of God in the Friday dawn prayer on February 25, 1994, showers of treacherous Zionist bullets
began raining down on them from all directions, felling more than 350 peaceable worshippers, some of whom were killed, and others wounded. And thus began the second chapter of this terrorist massacre at the hands of terrorist settler Baroukh
Goldstein and his helpers. As for the first chapter, it had begun at the hour for the final evening prayer on Thursday, at which time Jewish settlers and soldiers prevented Muslim worshippers from entering the sacred masque to perform the evening prayer under the pretext that this was the day of their "Boleme" feast.
Terrorist settlers gathered in the outer courtyards of the mosque and began setting off fireworks in the direction of the worshippers. Some time after this, the occupation forces allowed them to go inside the mosque itself in groups. At 10:00 p.m. the Muslim worshippers were asked to leave the mosque, and Zionist occupation soldiers began beating many of them as they left. Hatim Qufaysha, a witness of the Zionist crime, says, "At 5:20 a.m. today everyone was standing up [in the mosque]. As I took off my shoes, I saw an old man wearing military clothes who was running along carrying a huge weapon loaded with ammunition. I was surprised to see him come into the mosque during the prayer. He opened fire, and I ran away and asked the soldier who guards the area to intervene. But all he did was beat me up, then I left the mosque area.52 Eye witnesses who survived the massacre say, "We heard the sound of a muffled explosion. It was followed by the whiz of bullets passing over the heads of the worshippers." Talal Abu Sunayna, who was shot in both shoulders, adds, "I saw a settler hiding behind one of the pillars in the mosque' as he fired on the worshippers with his rifle. Another [Jewish] settler stood beside him loading a second rifle so that it would be ready to go to work next."53 Muhammad Sari, one of the worshippers present at the time of the massacre, states, "People are used to attending the dawn prayer on Fridays in large numbers." He estimated the number of worshippers present that morning at about 500. Then he added, "the muezzin announced the
beginning of the prayer, so we knelt and made the first prostration. Then all of a sudden we heard the sound of heavy gun fire coming from behind us. When I turned around in the direction of the sound, I saw a soldier in full uniform. He had put ear pieces in his ears, and he was holding a rapid-firing machine gun and firing in the direction of the worshippers."54 Sari was wounded in both legs when he tried to stand up. A number of young men were able to get over to where the attacker was
and to protect others in the mosque with their bodies. And within moments Goldstein had been brought to the ground by the young men.55 But due to the heavy gun fire, the mosque had turned into something on the order of a slaughterhouse, filled with pools of blood. Muhammad Sulayman Abu Salih, a custodian at the Abrahamic mosque, describes the terrifying sight inside the mosque saying, "The terrorist was trying to kill as many people as possible. The corpses were scattered all over, spattering the floor of the mosque with blood. Worshippers who had been prostrate tried to flee in terror, and some of them fell on the floor." Then he adds, "I shouted at
the top of my lungs to the soldiers to come and stop him, but all they did was run away. The armed man reloaded his rifle at least once and killed at least seven people at one time, the contents of their skulls scattering all over the floor. He kept on
shooting for ten minutes, and the army didn't step in until the massacre was over."
Sheikh Ibrahim Abdeen, the imaam of the mosque, says that the bullets were coming from several places, that it was a true blood bath. The Israeli soldiers' reaction was very slow; they actually delayed the arrival of the ambulances.57 Nor did this terrorist massacre stop with the killing of Goldstein. When the shooting stopped, the soldiers came pouring into the mosque. According to witnesses of the massacre, the soldiers, together with a number of Jewish settlers, opened fire on those who had
gathered around Goldstein, and not one of them survived. And thus occurred the second massacre. Then outside the mosque, the soldiers opened fire on the ambulance which had arrived at the mosque to treat the wounded; thus occurred the third massacre, which itself did not stop there, since the soldiers pursued the wounded and those seeking to treat them as far as the doors of the hospitals, where they proceeded to kill even more. Other forces pursued their victims' funeral processions as far as the cemetery gates, where they killed still more. Hence, this heinous massacre carried out against worshippers at the Ibrahimi Mosque led to more than 24 deaths and injured hundreds of others.

28 March 1994, A Jewish undercover police opened fire on Palestinian activists brutally killing 6 and injuring 49. Some of the wounded activists were taken out of their cars and shot in their heads to death.

Aramta Massacre:
15/4/1994(Lebanon): After blockading the town, armed men entered and ordered the people to gather at the town's square, where they were assaulted. Then, they took the men and women to the detention camp. Later on they stormed, the district of the town, and killed whomever they saw. 2 perosns were l\killed, 6 were wounded.

17 July 1994, Palestinian sources reported that the occupation forces had committed Sunday morning a disgusting massacre against Palestinian workers at Eretz checkpoint. Eyewitnesses and Israeli sources reported that 11 Palestinians have been shot dead and 200 injured. Israeli sources also reported that 21 Israeli soldiers including 1 settler were injured. Two soldiers were shot by bullets, one died. As reported by Palestinian and Israeli sources, the scene was described as a war zone which lasted for 6 hours. Four Israeli tanks and helicopters were brought by the occupation forces, while a number of settlers were taking part in firing at Palestinians. Protests had spread all over the Occupied Territories. In Gaza, Palestinians raised black flags and called for revenge. In Ramallah, shops closed while several clashes were reported. Several clashes were reported at Hebron University yesterday, and today two Palestinians were shot in Hebron.

Deir Al-Zahrani Massacre:
The Israeli warplanes fired a "vacuum" missile at a two- story building,in Deir Al-Zahranee which was destroyed over the heads of the inhabitants. 8 people were killed , 17 wee injured.

Nabatiyeh (school bus) Massacre:
The Israeli warplanes targeted school bus full of pupils 4 childs were killed,10(child) Injured.

The Sohmor Second Massacre :
2/04/1996 (Lebanon):
The Israeli artillery targeted a civilian car carrying eight passengers, killing all of them .

Mansuriah Massacre:
On 13 April 1996, at about 1:30 P.M., an IDF helicopter fired rockets at a vehicle carrying thirteen civilians fleeing the village of al-Mansuri, killing two women and four young girls. The vehicle was a Volvo station wagon with a blue flooding light, a red crescent painted on the hood and the word “ambulance†written in Arabic. Reporters at the scene filmed the incident. The film footage shows, and testimony of UN soldiers who arrived immediately after the car was hit corroborate, that there were no weapons or any other type of military equipment in the car, only some food and clothes. Amnesty's investigation revealed that none of the passengers were connected to Hizbullah.

Nabatyaih Massacre:
18 April 1996, Eleven persons were killed and ten injured in an IDF air attack on a house in Nabatiyya al-Faqwah, some three kilometers north of Nabatiyya, in South Lebanon. Eight of those killed were from one family: a mother and her seven children, including a four-day-old baby. Around 6:30 a.m., IDF helicopters fired rockets at three buildings in the village, demolishing one totally and severely damaging the other two. Lebanese families were living in the buildings. The IDF Spokesperson claimed that the helicopters fired at the building in which the eleven were killed because Hizbullah was hiding there after firing the mortars. Investigations conducted by Amnesty and HRW did not confirm this contention The IDF's statement ignored the fact that the IDF fired at two other buildings during the same attack.

Qana Massacre :
18 April 1996, The "ethnic cleansing" operations carried out by the Zionist terrorist army have encompassed not only Palestinian civilians, but Lebanese civilians in south Lebanon
as well.
In an attempt to break the power of the Lebanese Hizbollah organization, Zionist forces undertook a military operation against south Lebanon. This operation was likewise based upon the Zionist mentality, supportive as it is of blood-letting and
terrorism and based upon the belief that "exercising pressure against Lebanese citizens . . . will lead in practical terms to comprehensive, overall pressure on account of which the Hizbollah organization will be obliged to adhere to a ceasefire."59 Given this reasoning, the Zionist forces bombed the shelter which was providing refuge to approximately five hundred Lebanese, most of whom were children, elderly and women who had been forced out of their homes by Israeli raids on their villages, and who had been unable to get to Beirut. This bombing led to the deaths of 109 Lebanese civilians and seriously wounded 116 others. During the attack, Israeli forces used between 5 and 6 advanced bombs designed to explode above their target in order to cause the largest possible number of casualties. Moreover, international investigations confirmed that the Israeli forces had deliberately targeted the shelter.60 Ali, one of those wounded in the attack, says, "I fled in the morning with two friends and went for refuge to the emergency forces in Qana. I had my wife and my four children with me. They led us into a shelter where there were about fifty people. Then suddenly the sound of bombing rang out. A first shell, then a second fell near the shelter, and as we were trying to get out, another shell hit the shelter directly. I don't know what happened to my wife and children."61 Fadi Jabir weeps as he talks about things he saw after the Israeli bombs fell on those who had left their homes to come to the base for the UN Fayjiya peace-keeping forces. He says, "I heard people shouting 'Allahu akbar!', and a woman fell down unconscious. I reached out to get an idea what had happened to her, and her brain fell into my hand."62 As for Sa'd Allaah Balhas, who was wounded by a piece of shrapnel in the Zionist massacre, he says, "In one second I lost everything: my children, 14 of my grandchildren, and my wife. I don't want to live anymore. Tell the doctors to let me die."63

Trqumia Massacre:
March 10 1998 :Israeli Occupied West Bank, March 10--Israeli soldiers opened fire with automatic weapons on a van full of unarmed Palestinian workers, killing Adnan Abu Zneid, 34, and two other Palestinians. Two more laborers were wounded as the group returned from helping to construct a building near Tel Aviv. Eyewitnesses described the Israeli gunfire as "indiscriminate." Israeli Army Maj. Uzi Dayan said that the soldiers acted "according to regulations" in opening fire on the van with automatic weapons at a checkpoint outside Hebron.
Ali Abu Zneid, 37, a cousin of the deceased, was in the van and fell uninjured under the others' bodies. He said that the Jewish soldiers, "shot to kill." Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Mordechai described the killings as an "accident"

Janta Massacre :
22/12/1998 (Lebanon):
Israeli warplanes waited for the children to come home from the field to embrace their mother when they carried out this savage attack. Mother and her 6 children.

24 Of June 1999 Massacres

24/6/1999 (Lebanon)
Martyrs: 8
Injures: 84
Target: Under Building in Beirut

In an interview with the "kolhaer" magazine, five Israeli soldiers said that the artillery commander had said to his soldiers "We are skilled marksmen. Anyhow, there are millions of Arabs... It's their problem. Whether Arabs become one more or less is just the same...We have accomplished our duty. The whole issue is not about more than a group of "Arabosheem" (a racist term hostile to Arabs used by the Israelis). We should have launched more shells to kill more Arabs.

Western Bekaa villages Massacre:
29/12/1999 (Lebanon):
The Israeli warplanes dropped bombs on he children who were celebrating the eid festival, killing eight children and wounding 11 others.


1200-1500 Palestinian died. All peoples today knows this.

These are just some of the massacres committed against the Palestinians and Lebanese by the Zionists. If the raids on southern Lebanon old and new were to be taken into account the true magnitude of Zionist crimes against humanity could start to emerge. If one were to go into the gruesome details of the atrocities committed in 1948 the -mopping up operations -, the deliberate humiliation and massacres of Arabs and the desecration of the holy places of both Muslim and Christian as well as the looting of these holy places and personal property by the Israeli army and settlers; one might just start to appreciate what Zionism is all about.

"Destroy all of the land; beat down their pillars and break their statues and waste all of their high places, cleansing the land and dwelling in it, for I have given it to you for a possession" Numbers 33:52,53

"And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city both men and women, young and old and ox and sheep and ass with the edge of the sword." Joshua 6:21


1. The Palestinian Encyclopedia, Part I, op. cit., p. 413, paraphrased.
2. Ghazi al-Sa'di, Massacres and Practices, 1936-1983, Amman, Dar al-Jalillil-Nashr wal-Dirasat [The Galilee House for Publication and Research] , June 1985, p. 43.
3. The Palestinian Encyclopedia, op. cit., p. 413.
4. al-Sa'di, op. cit., p. 43.
5. The Palestinian Encyclopedia, op. cit., p. 414.
6. al-Sa'di, op. cit., p. 43.
7. The Palestinian Encyclopedia, Part II, op. cit., p. 434.
8. Dr. Hamdan Badr, The Role of the Hagana Organization in the
Establishment of Israel, Amman: Dar al-Jalil lil-Nashr wal-Dirasat, 1985, p. 303.
9. Ibid.
10. Arafat Hijazi, Dair Yasin: The Roots and Dimensions of the Crime in Zionist Thought, p. 63.
11. Roget Delurme [sp?], trans. by Nakhla Kallas, I Accuse, no place of publication: Dar al-Jurmuq lil-Tiba'a wal-Nashr [The Jurmuq House for Printing and Publication], no date, pp. 52-53.
12. Dominique Lapierre and Larry Collins, O' Jerusalem, 1972, p. 275.
13. Hijazi, op. cit., p. 63.
14. al-Sa'di, op. cit., p. 60.
15. Salih al-Shar', op. cit., p. 201.
16. The Palestinian Encyclopedia, Part III, p. 502.
17. Jawad al-Hamad, The Palestinian People: Victim of Zionist Massacres and Terrorism, Markaz Dirasat al-Sharq al-Awsat [Center for Middle East Studies], 1995, p.24.
18. The Palestinian Encyclopedia, Part III, op. cit., pp. 502-503.
19. The Memoirs of Ariel Sharon, trans. by Antoine Abir, Beirut, Maktabat Bisan, 1991, p. 110.
20. Emile Habiby, Kufr Qasim: the Political Massacre, Haifa: Manshourat Arabask [Arabask Publications], 1976, p. 82.
21. The Palestinian Encyclopedia, Part III, op. cit., p. 653.
22. Habiby, op. cit., p. 17.
23. al-Sa'di, op. cit., pp. 85-86.
24. The Palestinian Encyclopedia, Part III. op. cit., p. 653.
25. Habiby, op. cit., p. 37.
26. al-Hamd, op. cit., p. 29.
27. al-Sa'di, op. cit., p. 87.
28. Among the Most Important Terrorists, Beirut: Mu'assasat al-Dirasat al-Filistiniya [The Foundation for Palestinian Studies], 1973, pp. 37-38.
29. Husayn Abu al-Naml, The Gaza Strip, 1948-1967: Economic, Political, Social and Military Developments, Beirut: Center for Research, PLO, 1979, p. 121.
30. Ghazi al-Sourani, The Gaza Strip, 1948-1993, Beirut: Dar al-Mubtada', 1993, p. 27.
31. Abu al-Naml, op. cit., p. 121.
32. Abd al-Hafiz Muhammad, The Massacre: Beirut, Sabra and Shatila, the Invasion of Lebanon, Amman, the Akhbar al-Usbu' [Weekly News] newspaper, 1982, p. 111.
33. The Qatar News Agency, The Invasion, the Massacre: Crime of the Twentieth Century, no date of publication, 1982, p....[?].
34. al-Hamad, op. cit., p. 36.
35. Amnoun Kabliyouk [sp?], trans. by the Arab Translation Center, Sabra and Shatila: The Investigation of a Massacre, Paris: Manshourat al-Maktab al-Arabi [Arab Office Publications], 1983, p. 34.
36. Muhammad, op. cit., p. 89.
37. al-Sa'di, A Document of Crime and Condemnation, Amman: Dar al-Jalillil-Nashr, 1983, p. 262.
38. Kabliyouk, op. cit., p. 79.
39. The Qatar News Agency, op. cit., p. 134.
40. Muhammad, op. cit., pp. 119-120.
41. Kabliyouk, op. cit., pp. 51-52.
42. al-Hamad, op. cit., p. 38.
43. Sahifat al-Muslimun al-Sa'udiya (the Saudi newspaper, The Muslims), March 5, 1993.
44. al-Hamad, op. cit., p. 55.
45. Nawaf al-Zaru, Jerusalem: Between Zionist Judaization Plans and the Palestinian Struggle and Resistance, Amman: Dar al-Khawaja lil-Nashr wal-Tawzi' [Khawaja House for Publication and Distribution], 1991, p. 115.
46. The Jordanian newspaper, Al-Dustour, October 9, 1990.
47. al-Zaru, op. cit., p. 129.
48. Al-Dustour, op. cit.
49. al-Zaru, op. cit., p. 129.
50. Ibid., p. 128.
51. Al-Muslimun newspaper, op. cit.
52. The Jordanian newspaper, Al-Ra'y [Opinion], February 26, 1994.
53. Usama Mustafa, "Goldstein: Settler, Soldier, or the Forbidden Fruit of Peace?" the Filastin al-Muslima [Muslim Palestine] magazine (London), April 1994, p. 9.
54. Al-Ra'y, op. cit.
55. Mustafa, op. cit., p. 9.
56. Al-Dustour, op. cit., Feb. 26, 1994.
57. The Jordanian newspaper, Al-Aswaq [Markets], February 27, 1994.
58. Mustafa, op. cit., p. 9.
59. A team of analysts, "The Israeli Campaign Against the Hamas Movement and the Hizbollah Organization: Programs, Goals, Outcomes and Implications", the periodical Qadaya Sharq Awsatiya [Middle East Issues], No. 2, Amman, Markaz Dirasat al-Sharq al-Awsat [Center for Middle East Studies], pp. 84-85.
60. Ibid., p. 84.
61. Filastin al-Muslima (London), May 1996 issue, p. 9.
62. Ibid.
63. Ibid