A Mujahid´s Letter to his Wife.
I Never Left You...
You never complained when you knew we would have nothing. You were contempt on having what little you needed.
Where others would have left or moaned you never once let out a sigh. You understood what was written was what we would eat.
I never once complained about what was put in front of me as I knew it was your hands that brought it to me.
When I had nothing I had you. We smiled as we saw the destruction around us knowing that these people were not true.
You never felt sympathy towards the enemy. You put your trust in your Rubb and in turn you followed me. Never did I have to wonder about you as my secrets my honour and my Deen were safe with you.
It's the little things that make the person and you would have easily have kept me going for a lifetime.
I loved your jealousy. I loved to tease you with the thought of others just so I could know how dear I was to you.
The way you would look at me with fire in your eyes showed me that I was the only one for you. You stole my heart and hide it away. You know your place it's by my side.
What chance did shaytan have when you would ensure that fajr was the easiest of the salahs. I loved that you would forsake me in an instant to fast a voluntary fast. I loved that the Haq was dearer to you then my life and those of our jewels.
Watching you makes me laugh as I wonder if my heart will ever want another as I watch you feed my child, as you lift him out of the bath, as you wipe his little nose and the face he pulls. You will never find a diamond in the hands of the poor in the same way our diamond deserves to be carried in your hands. We could have it all my love but who sells Paradise for an hour of passing pleasure? Not us.
I chose you O.. My princess as I know our fruits are safe with you.
Never would I have to worry about where the loyalties of my babies are. They will love what we love they will love Allah Most Glorified Most High, they will Love the Prophets and the best of Companions, They will love those who they have never met but will long to meet. They will love those better then us. They will live to honour one statement. Others will fall under the weight of La ilahailallaah but not them. Their hearts will beat it, their words testify to it and their hands carry it.
I told you once that only 2 things will have me. You and death. My life was with you but now I must marry again. I must marry what was promised to me the moment I was born. I must marry my fate and in turn I must marry death. After death will come reckoning and if I stand with the best of creation I will with the permission of Allah Lord of the Heavens and the Earth I will beg for you. None was worthy to stand next to me in this life so why is it I should desire another in the next?
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