In the Name of ALLAH, Most Gracious Most Merciful.
My dear Son,
Moments of your beginning are moments of my ending, of which I wish to
share some of my thoughtful words as a kind of good luck charm to
brighten your lovely, colorful days, so as it gives you a long life
It fills my delighted heart to know that you have been paying much
attention to the words I say and that thrills me to tell you more
stories of how a precious life can be which I have collected so far
during the journey of my life.
As precious as this moment that I don't intend to pass it by
meaninglessly, I'd like to show you the meaning of a friend and
My precious son, no bird can fly miles away alone without any support
from other birds that help to reduce the load of flying to a distant
point of destination.
You see, they fly together in a triangle formation that automatically
gives different flying-loads to each member of the formation where
they take loads in turns. as it is with the case, no man can get what
he calls "great achievements" unless he did it with the help of
others, a helping hand of his very best fellowmen around him tightly
knit in one simple term, friendship. His friends push him on ward to
get to the goal .
A friend is someone with whom you dare to be yourself, someone with
whom you dare to show yourself and say: " This is me ! "
Just take my word, my dear son, a friend is an important part of your
life. It is said that a friend can be a pick me up when ever you fall
down and seem to have lost your way, a single word to accompany your
loneliness, a loving hand to guide, a sympathetic patient smile when
you grieve, a joyful song when happiness and a constant reminder with
love as the theme. Others may even find that a friend is a hand that
stop them from falling. It stops you from breaking to pieces. He is
there listening to whatever you say, attentive and caring in times of
He is definitely a place you come to and share your feelings with
mutual trust. It is my other delight to see you have many friends, my
child. But what comes most to my gratefulness is your appealing way in
making yourself a friend of others.You know, my dear son, I was moved
by your inner sense of friendship to other children in the
neighborhood. You filled your childhood with a sense of sharing,
caring and respect among those little friends of yours, not to
mention, to the other creatures that we kept as pets. Those were the
moments that captured me in an eternal place of happiness watching you
enjoy peaceful and pleasant moments with them.
But remember this, my son, the truest friend of whom you share your
life with is the one that brings goodness and happiness. The goodness
he shows is a clear appreciation of Truth, and the true happiness he
brings should possess a pleasant excitement towards the Truth itself.
He is the one who wishes you to gain the salvation in this World and
the Hereafter later on.
So, be the very true best friend to others, my son, if possible to everybody !
I have seen wisdom shining out of your eyes even when you were still a
young boy. I'm sure it won't be difficult for you to understand my
As of friendship, my dear son, I've come to think and tell you that it
is an invaluable diamond. Its priceless shine cannot be found in any
other thing. You cannot trade it, my son, or even borrow it !
For what's in it is a will to be in mutual respect, love, caring and
giving, and a recognition of other's existence.
Allow me to explain in more details.
In one hadith of Qudsi, Allah announced that He is the only truest
Companion to all beings who always call and recite His Names
faithfully. It means you remember Him continuously wherever you are,
in whatever your condition is. You water your thirst with His Glorious
Names. You fulfill your obligated and good deeds in His Names. You
avoid doing something because He forbids, and you truly realize that
He is always watching you, your every step and move.
If you do all of these unconditionally, one day you will feel, in your
heart, a magnificent growing love to Him. This glorious feeling will
take its form as a strong and powerful will to tighten yourself
eternally to Him.
If you be sincere with your perseverance, a day will come when you
know that He repays your love, the day when miracles are shown as the
sign of His love. At that moment, the moment when your love receives
His best response, you will realize that you have come to a condition
that whatever you do will be only "for Allah" (le-Llah) the condition
that only you can appreciate. Your experience will absolutely be an
untold story ! You are in a condition where you need nothing to worry
and to grieve about, the condition when you know Allah has raised you
to the level of such gracefulness.
Reach that condition, my son !That is the true happiness !
So, always be in pray, my son, keep praying to Allah,
then strengthen your patience. Indeed, you
will realize later that all of us are so depended on Him.
It is still fresh in my memory your loud cry when you came to this
world. It is still seen before my eyes how you made me so
busy with your hunger for my affection. O my son, don't you know how
great our love to you ? Deliberately we gave you a beautiful name, my
son. May your future will be beautiful too !
Be happy with what you have, my son ! Whatever given to you from the
side of Allah are the best for you !
Be grateful with all pleasure that has been given to you, and be
patient with all examination which comes from Him. Allah has never had
bad things for us. All praise be to Allah. Truly He is the Most Wise.
Let yourself be useful to others in order not to let yourself be a
futility as a creation. Always be sincere in living your life for He
had created you not in jest.
Have a great and noble goal in life, because it will become a strong
generator of your soul, a tonic that will freshen the cells of your
body, and also the fuel that keep inflaming your spirit !
And, by asking for help to Allah, The Only God , reach your goals in a
respectful way ! Indeed, the man who has no goal in life is the man
who has no future, and the one who reach his goal by using illegal
ways is the one who save despair in his life. Remember always, my son,
that Allah Is The Best to love. When you gained His love, it means
that you have had all things, but if you lost His love, you lost
Pursue your goal whole-heartedly. Don't let hesitation gnaw on your
mind and soul !
Have a great and noble goal in life, because it will become a strong
generator of your soul, a tonic that will freshen the cells of your
body, and also the fuel that keep inflaming your spirit !
And, by asking for help to Allah, The Only God , reaches your goals in
a respectful way ! Indeed, the man who has no goal in life is the man
who has no future, and the one who reach his goal by using illegal
ways is the one who save despair in his life. Remember always, my son,
that Allah Is The Best to love. When you gained His love, it means
that you have had all things, but if you lost His love, you lost
Pursue your goal whole-heartedly. Don't let hesitation gnaw on your
mind and soul !
Lastly, let your meeting time with Him, with your Highest Friend, be
the most beautiful moments in your life !
Well, my son, I will end my letter here hoping that you'll be wiser and
happier. May Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, keep loving
you and protect you.
The one who keep praying for you.
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