For me, writing in my blog was a challenge. As I turned through the pages I had written on, I noticed some were tear streaked and some had smiley faces drawn near the margin. I had an overwhelming feeling of excitement every time I wrote in it. I always felt like I was writing in it for the first time. I never became bored with it.
We can write anything that happened in our Life to our Blog, however life is not a novel you can pick up and read but it is a journal waiting for you to fill it's pages. We can write our goal, I am sure every muslim's goal is Jannah (Paradise), so we try to make amal that bring us to Jannah, following Qur'an and the Sunnah with The Understanding of Salafus Shalih (which includes: Correct Aqeedah or Belief, correct Akhlaq like good to parent, husband, neighbourhood, musafeer, our sisters in Islam as well as being good to your self).
So in between reaching your goal there are many stories to be told, to be shared, to be written about. Living without a goal, is like driving without a destination.
In this life sometimes we face difficulty, how you face this and overcome it may help somebody else. So, put your experience in writing, because one day someone who is facing a similar problem might find your words useful. Being in a bad mood is just a waste of time. When you feel all ways are closed, nothing can be resolved. Well every problem has a solution. As Allaah said in the noble Qur'an "Verily there is Ease after Hardship" Have faith in Allaah and look to fix our problems in Correct way. Seeking advise from our friends or reading from their experience might help us, Biidznillaah. If you are a rose among thorns, then turn the thorns into roses, and you will feel like you made a difference. Making a difference, being useful will ultimately will make you happy for the rest of your life.
Sometimes we get angry, and when we do, we need to remember one Hadith, The Prophet (sallaahu'alahi wasalam) said: “La tagdab wa laka al Jannah” - "Do not be angry and you will have the Jannah." Therefore, we should try our best to stop this angriness (remember jannah is our goal!). Like one sms from a sister of mine "There are two times when you should learn to keep your mouth closed: When you are swimming and when you're angry". So write things that help you stop your anger. Whenever this feeling comes you can remember them and recite them to stop your anger. What you write should be easy to memorize.
Write about Who Are You. You are Muslim "Yes". So don't imitate the Kufar who live around you. According to what I see, many muslims are trying their best to blend in by looking like a Kufar, wearing kufar fashions, way of life and in another things.
I heard a voice tell me, "Look in to the mirror."
I asked why?
It said, "Look, what do you see?"
I said nothing.
The voice asked me again, "What do you see?"
I couldn't see anything.
The voice said, "Can't you see me?"
I said, "No".
I didn't hear that voice again after that.
I began realizing that voice was me and I began realizing that I didn't know myself.
Be yourself! Be a Muslim! Don't Imitate the Kufar. Remember your Goal is Jannah and their goal... is Dust. Do not worry about what the peoples think, but please be worry are your act is correct or not based on Islamic Syari'ah. So, Save the worrying for bigger things in life.
Write your blessing. That will always help you to be thankful to Allaah. He has blessed us with religion Islam. So, we must live our life for Islam and really this is Big Ni'ma, Big Blessing.
Allah has blessed us with our family, our husbands, our house, our friends, our roses in the garden, etc. Alhamdulillaah for all of this. When I count my blessings, I always count my husband twice. :)
Do not take anything as being forever, because forever is only as long as today. Write things that you have lost. Once i remember a sister lost her Cat lol. and it was funny experience how she expressed this. Another sister felt sad because her beloved grandmother passed away. And a red rose in your garden will not always in same color and same condition, in time this rose will be dry and die. Just remember that everything in this life will not remain the same or be here forever. But if we reach our Goal, ie: Jannah, it will stay FOREVER. InshAllaah what you write about losing something or someone important and how you handle your emotion will be a good lesson for people who need this Advice.
Memories are priceless treasures that we can cherish forever in our hearts. Write your Goal! Write your Journey to reach this Goal. And remember everything that happens in our life happens for a reason. Allaah Knows Best!
I wrote that when I was in Zürich, Switzerland
04 August 2006
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