Selasa, 09 Desember 2008

For me, writing in my blog was a challenge. As I turned through the pages I had written on, I noticed some were tear streaked and some had smiley faces drawn near the margin. I had an overwhelming feeling of excitement every time I wrote in it. I always felt like I was writing in it for the first time. I never became bored with it.

We can write anything that happened in our Life to our Blog, however life is not a novel you can pick up and read but it is a journal waiting for you to fill it's pages. We can write our goal, I am sure every muslim's goal is Jannah (Paradise), so we try to make amal that bring us to Jannah, following Qur'an and the Sunnah with The Understanding of Salafus Shalih (which includes: Correct Aqeedah or Belief, correct Akhlaq like good to parent, husband, neighbourhood, musafeer, our sisters in Islam as well as being good to your self).

So in between reaching your goal there are many stories to be told, to be shared, to be written about. Living without a goal, is like driving without a destination.

In this life sometimes we face difficulty, how you face this and overcome it may help somebody else. So, put your experience in writing, because one day someone who is facing a similar problem might find your words useful. Being in a bad mood is just a waste of time. When you feel all ways are closed, nothing can be resolved. Well every problem has a solution. As Allaah said in the noble Qur'an "Verily there is Ease after Hardship" Have faith in Allaah and look to fix our problems in Correct way. Seeking advise from our friends or reading from their experience might help us, Biidznillaah. If you are a rose among thorns, then turn the thorns into roses, and you will feel like you made a difference. Making a difference, being useful will ultimately will make you happy for the rest of your life.

Sometimes we get angry, and when we do, we need to remember one Hadith, The Prophet (sallaahu'alahi wasalam) said: “La tagdab wa laka al Jannah” - "Do not be angry and you will have the Jannah." Therefore, we should try our best to stop this angriness (remember jannah is our goal!). Like one sms from a sister of mine "There are two times when you should learn to keep your mouth closed: When you are swimming and when you're angry". So write things that help you stop your anger. Whenever this feeling comes you can remember them and recite them to stop your anger. What you write should be easy to memorize.

Write about Who Are You. You are Muslim "Yes". So don't imitate the Kufar who live around you. According to what I see, many muslims are trying their best to blend in by looking like a Kufar, wearing kufar fashions, way of life and in another things.

I heard a voice tell me, "Look in to the mirror."

I asked why?

It said, "Look, what do you see?"

I said nothing.

The voice asked me again, "What do you see?"

I couldn't see anything.

The voice said, "Can't you see me?"

I said, "No".

I didn't hear that voice again after that.

I began realizing that voice was me and I began realizing that I didn't know myself.

Be yourself! Be a Muslim! Don't Imitate the Kufar. Remember your Goal is Jannah and their goal... is Dust. Do not worry about what the peoples think, but please be worry are your act is correct or not based on Islamic Syari'ah. So, Save the worrying for bigger things in life.

Write your blessing. That will always help you to be thankful to Allaah. He has blessed us with religion Islam. So, we must live our life for Islam and really this is Big Ni'ma, Big Blessing.

Allah has blessed us with our family, our husbands, our house, our friends, our roses in the garden, etc. Alhamdulillaah for all of this. When I count my blessings, I always count my husband twice. :)

Do not take anything as being forever, because forever is only as long as today. Write things that you have lost. Once i remember a sister lost her Cat lol. and it was funny experience how she expressed this. Another sister felt sad because her beloved grandmother passed away. And a red rose in your garden will not always in same color and same condition, in time this rose will be dry and die. Just remember that everything in this life will not remain the same or be here forever. But if we reach our Goal, ie: Jannah, it will stay FOREVER. InshAllaah what you write about losing something or someone important and how you handle your emotion will be a good lesson for people who need this Advice.

Memories are priceless treasures that we can cherish forever in our hearts. Write your Goal! Write your Journey to reach this Goal. And remember everything that happens in our life happens for a reason. Allaah Knows Best!

I wrote that when I was in Zürich, Switzerland

04 August 2006

Minggu, 07 Desember 2008

Pemutus Kenikmatan

Dari Nadhar bin Ismail yang berkata: Saya pernah mendengar Umar bin Dzar [1] berkata:

Kamu sekalian telah cukup mengerti tentang kematian, maka kamu menunggu-nunggu kedatangannya siang dan malam.Mungkin kamu meninggal sebagai seorang yang sangat dicintai oleh keluarganya, dihormati oleh kerabatnya, dan dipatuhi oleh masyarakatnya, dipindahkan keliang yang kering dan batu-batu cadas yang bisu.

Tidak ada seorangpun dari keluarga yang bisa memberikan bantal, kecuali hanya menempatkannya di tengah kerumunan binatang serangga. Adapun bantal pada saat itu berupa amal perbuatannya.Atau mungkin kamu meninggal sebagai orang yang malang dan terasing. Di dunia, ia telah ditimpa banyak kesedihan, usaha yang dilakukan sudah berkepanjangan, badan telah kepayahan, lantas kematian tiba-tiba menjemput sebelum ia meraih keinginannya.Atau mungkin kamu adalah seorang anak yang masih disusui, orang yang sakit, atau orang yang tergadai dan tergila-gila dengan kejahatan.

Mereka semua diundi dengan anak panah kematian.Tidak adakah pelajaran yang bisa dipetik dari perkataan para juru nasihat?!Sungguh, seringkali saya berkata: "Maha Suci Allah Jalla Jalaluhu. Dia telah memberi tempo kepada kamu sehingga seakan-akan menjadikan kamu lalai." Kemudian saya kembali melihat kepemaafan dan kekuasaan-Nya, lantas berkata: "Tidak, tetapi Dia mengakhirkan kita sampai pada batas ajal kita, sampai pada hari di mana mata menjadi terbelalak dan hati menjadi kering.""Artinya : Mereka datang bergegas-gegas memenuhi panggilan dengan mengangkat kepalanya, sedang mata mereka tidak berkedip-kedip dan hati mereka kosong." [Ibrahim : 43]

"Ya Rabbi, Engkau telah memberikan peringatan, maka hujjah-Mu telah tegakatas hamba-hamba-Mu”Kemudian ia membaca:"Artinya : Dan berikanlah peringatan kepada manusia terhadap hari (yang pada waktu itu) datang adzab kepada mereka, maka berkatalah orang-orang yang zhalim: "Ya Tuhan kami, beri tangguhlah kami walaupun dalam waktu yang sedikit." [Ibrahim : 44]

Kemudian ia berkata:"Wahai pelaku kezhaliman! Sesungguhnya kamu sedang berada dalam masa penangguhan yang kamu minta itu, maka manfaatkanlah sebelum akhir masa itu tiba dan bersegeralah sebelum berlalu. Batas akhir penangguhan adalah ketika kamu menemui ajal, saat sang maut datang. Ketika itu tidak berguna lagi penyesalan.

Anak Adam ibarat papan yang dipasang sebagai sasaran dari panah kematian. Siapa yang dipanah dengan anak panah-anak panahnya, tidak akan meleset. Dan bila kematian itu telah menginginkan seseorang, maka tidak akan menimpa yang lain.

Ketahuilah, sesungguhnya kebaikan yang paling besar adalah kebaikan di akhirat yang abadi dan tidak berakhir, yang kekal dan tidak fana, yang terus berlanjut dan tak kenal putus.

Hamba-hamba yang dimuliakan bertempat tinggal di sisi Allah Ta'ala di tengah segala hal yang menyenangkan diri dan menyejukkan pandangan. Mereka saling mengunjungi, bertemu, dan bernostalgia tentang hari-hari mereka hidup di dunia.Tentramlah kehidupan mereka. Mereka telah memperoleh apa yang mereka inginkan dan meraih apa yang mereka cari, karena keinginan mereka adalah berjumpa dengan majikan Yang Maha Pemurah dan Maha Pemberi Anugerah. [2]

"Wasiat Para Salaf", Penulis Syaikh Salim bin 'Ied Al Hilali

Foote Note[1]. Dia adalah Umar bin Dzar biun Abdillah bin Zaraqah Al-Hamdani Al-Murhabi, seorang tabi'it tabi'in yang tsiqah, wafat pada tahun 135 H. Riwayat hidupnya ada dalam "Tahdzibut Tahdzib" (VII:144), "Hilyatul Auliya" (V:108) dan lain-lain[2]. Dikeluarkan oleh Abu Nu'aim dalam 'Al-Hilyah' (V:115-116)

הידעת, בודאי הוא הכי טוב טוב את להלן, ולא את הנצח הסתיים, שנמשך ולא חולף, וכי לא יודע ממשיכה הסוף

Dedicated to My Beloved Wife...

Dear my wife...

I still remember the day when we get married, the day I keep the promise to you at the time I married you, as this is the first and worthiest condition of marriage to be fulfilled by a husband. We enter the marriage with the pure intention of pleasing Allaah Ta'ala, in order to receive His grace and blessings. From this day I feel that I am the most lucky man in this earth. Isn't Prophet Muhammad salallaahu'alahi wasalam said "When a man marries, he has fulfilled half of his religion, so let him fear Allaah regarding the remaining half."

How Happy I am because I have fulfilled half of my religion to marry you. How happy I am because with marriage I follow the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad salallaahu'alahi wasalam. How happy I am because I follow his (salallaahu'alahi wasalam)'s order. "O you young men! Whoever is able to marry should marry, for that will help him to lower his gaze and guard his modesty." (Al-Bukhari)

Dear my wife who is trying to be a better Muslimah...

I hope we both are among who works righteousness. So that Allaah give us a good life, I hope we both can understand each others, forgive each others and advice each others for the sake of Allaah. And I hope we both are among peoples who spread Islam and spread Allaah's messages... I hope our life will be blessed. As Allaah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says "And who works righteousness, male or female, and is a faithful one, so We will give them life a good life, and We will pay them their wages for the most beautiful of what they were working (Qur'an 16:97)"

Dear my wife who wish to be a good wife and mother...

You should know that One of the goals of marriage is to find comfort, repose, and security in the relationship. This goal is more likely to be achieved if we have fear of Allaah Ta'ala and adheres to Islamic morals and manners. I hope that we can reach this goal with our Islamic morals and manners.

InshAllaah, You will be a Mother of our childrens, you are the first teacher for them. Teach them about the True Islam, Show them a good manner, tell them to be kind, honest, loving and caring to parents and other peoples. I pray to Allaah that our childrens are among peoples who fear Allaah, among of the Mu'meen. ameen ya rabb.

Dear my patient wife...

Please forgive me when I am harsh to you. Really I dont mind of that. I wish to always gentle with you, because through gentleness hearts become united in friendship and love, and good becomes widespread. Whereas through its opposite ill feelings and distrust prevails and people forsake one another. As we learn from rasulullaah salallaahu'alahi wasallam: Indeed Allaah is gentle and loves gentleness, and gives due to gentleness that which He does not give to harshness. (Reported by Ibn Majah (no. 3688) and Ibn Hibaan (no. 549) )

Dear my wife,

Each of us have big responsibility, and InshAllaah we can do our best to fullfill our responsibility. I will remind you one hadith about our responsibility. Allaah's Messenger (salallaahu 'alaihi wa'sallam) said: Each of you is a guardian and is responsible for those whom he is in charge of. So the ruler is a guardian and is responsible for his subjects; a man is the guardian of his family and is responsible for those under his care; a woman is a guardian of her husband's home and is responsible for those under her care; a servant is the guardian of his master's wealth and is responsible for that which he is entrusted with; and a man is the guardian of his father's wealth and is responsible fore what is under his care. So each one of you is a guardian and is responsible for what he is entrusted with. Reported by al-Bukharee (Eng. Trans. 9/189/no.252) and Muslim (Eng. Trans. 3/1017/no.4496).

So my dear wife, remind me when I forgot about my responsibilty and I will remind you when you forgot your responsibilty. Hopely we remind each other in a wise manner.

Dear my wife,

Don't be envy with other women condition, their money... their car... their house... their beauty... because all of them are test from Allaah subhanahu wata'ala. We shouldn't feel envy in such things, because envy is a dangerous disease and a harmful evil and therefore keeps away from it. But let me tell you which part that you can feel envy with other women condition. Do you remember one hadith from Ibn Mas'ud radhiallaahu'anhu who said that Rasulullaah salallaahu'alahi wasalam said : There is to be no envy except with regard to two: A man whom Allaah has given wealth which he strives to spend righteously, and a man to whom Allaah has given the Wisdom (i.e. the Qur'aan) and he acts according to it and teaches it to others. (Bukhari)

Dear my beloved wife who always pray for blessing from Allaah Ta'ala,

Please take care your health carefully, take rest when you feel tired after doing your home work. Eat and Drink enaugh. and whenever you have free time at home, use this time to study and to learn Islam. because health and free time are blessing that many peoples lose. As the saying of Rasulullaah salallaahu'alahi wasalam "There are two blessings which many people lose: health and free time." ( Bukhari).

O Allaah the Most Merciful.

I am Your servant, son of Your servant, son of Your maidservant, my forelock is in Your hand, Your command over me is forever executed and Your decree over me is just. I ask You by every name belonging to You which You name Yourself with, or revealed in Your Book, or You taught to any of Your creation, or You have preserved in the knowledge of the unseen with You, that You make the Qur’aan the life of my heart and the light of my breast, and a departure for my sorrow and a release for my anxiety.’

O Allaah The King Who has no Partner!You are the Witness to this relationship, I had fallen in love with my life partner, make this love toward her increase my strength to Love You. But, I also pray that my love towards her should not exceed the love towards You. Make this Love a meaningful one. Protect my heart so that I never forget You. Make her love for me not exceed the love she has for You and make us martyr in Your cause. Make her love and desire towards me, never forget Your paradise. If my love towards her ever makes me forget You, remind me and guide me, dont make me one of the losers.

With Love,

Your Husband

About Son

Abu Hurayrah narrated: “Once the Prophet and I went out during the day. While on the journey, he did not talk to me and I did not talk to him. When we reached the market of Bani Qaynuqaa’, he sat in the front-yard of Faatimah's house and asked: 'Is Luka’ home? (i.e., 'the small boy' - his grandson Al-Hasan)' But Faatimah kept the boy inside for a while. I thought she was either changing his clothes or giving him a bath. After a while, the boy came out running and the Prophet embraced him and kissed him on the mouth; then he said: 'O Allaah! Love him, and love whoever loves him.'" [Al-Bukhaari & Muslim] In other narrations of this incident, Al-Hasan came out walking quickly and jumped into the lap of the Prophet who had his arms extended towards him, and who then hugged and kissed him.

Abu Hurayrah said: “After I heard the Prophet saying this, there was nobody that I loved more than Al-Hasan.” He also said: “It is never that I saw Al-Hasan after having heard this, except that I cried.”

The saying of Abu Hurayrah : “…He did not talk to me…” was probably due to the Prophet being busy thinking about something, or being inspired, or receiving revelation at the time.
As for his saying: “…and I did not talk to him…” is due to him glorifying and honouring the Prophet ; this was the practice of the Companions whenever they would see the Prophet silent.
This narration is a reflection of how great the Prophet was, due to his coming to visit this child, which illustrated the love and mercy that he had for him. This was despite the great responsibilities he had as a leader of the entire Nation and the fact that he was busy being a guardian over their affairs, the custodian of their treasury, or Bayt Al-Maal, the dispatcher of the Muslim armies and the teacher and preacher to all the Muslims. Moreover, he was also receiving revelation from his Lord and contemplating over what happened to the previous nations who disobeyed Him.

Despite all this, he did not forget in the midst of all these tasks and responsibilities to check on his grandchild and try to bring joy to him, as well as checking on his daughter and son-in-law. He sat in front of the house waiting for his grandchild to come out, and extended his arms towards him when he did so; he hugged and kissed him, and this love was reflected and reciprocated by the reaction of the child who walked quickly and jumped into the lap of the Prophet .
Another narration that reflects the kindness that the Prophet had for children is that which is narrated by Anas Ibn Maalik who said: “I never saw anyone kinder and more merciful with children than the Prophet . His son, Ibraaheem, would breastfeed from a woman in the ‘Awaali area of Madeenah; he used to go and visit him and we would accompany him. He used to enter the house in which Ibraaheem was and find him with some splashes of the milk that he had drunk, on his face; he would pick him up and kiss him.” ‘Amr who was one of the Companions accompanying the Prophet in his visits, said: “After the death of Ibraaheem, the Prophet said: 'Ibraaheem is my son and he died whilst in the age of breastfeeding; he will have two women breastfeeding him in Paradise until he concludes the age of breastfeeding.'” [Muslim]
This narration reflects the noble manners of the Prophet and his kindness to children. It also highlights the virtue of being merciful with children and kissing them.

Ibraaheem died when he was sixteen or seventeen months old, which is why the Prophet said that he died whilst at the age of breastfeeding, because the complete breastfeeding term is usually two full years, as mentioned in the Quran.

Many of those who are busy with worldly affairs or matters related to the religion are thereby deprived of other matters; they are busy teaching or leading others, or attaining wealth, and are thereby deprived from kissing their children, playing with them, and cultivating them properly. No matter how busy a person claims to be, it is impossible that he is busier than the Prophet was, who had time for this despite his numerous and great responsibilities. The propagators of Islaam, and others in general, have a duty towards their families and kinsfolk which they must fulfil, despite their responsibilities.

A child has a very special position in the Islamic community, and he should get the required attention and care which will make him grow up balanced and well mannered.
Unlike what some may believe, possessing manhood, dignity and honour does not contradict caring for and playing with children. This is reflected in the narration of Abu Hurayrah who said: “The Prophet kissed Al-Hasan once while Al-Aqra’ Ibn Haabis was sitting with him, so Al-Aqra’ said, `I have ten children; never did I kiss any of them.` The Prophet therefore looked at him and said: 'Allaah will not be merciful with the one who is not merciful to others. '” [Al-Bukhaari]

A person who works as a preacher in a prison in a western country said that an imprisoned drug addict once informed him that he would always stub out his cigarette on his child’s body, until he killed the child. This is truly an ugly face of the west that is reflected by this story; what kind of civilisation do they have? What benefit did they gain from their technology when their communities are overwhelmed with immorality, lack of faith, and children who are murdered and tortured like animals? This has become such a widespread phenomenon that there are now designated telephone numbers for children to call and seek help and protection if their parents harm or torture them.

But who are these children seeking protection from? It is from their own parents, who torture them in such a barbaric manner that it shatters the feelings of those who only get to hear about it.

A true believer should take lessons from the Names of Allaah; one of His Names is the All-Merciful, so a believer should strive to be merciful. Another of His Names is the Compassionate, so a believer should work hard to be compassionate and kind to others, especially his children.
The father’s love for his children should not be buried under his load of work, or his numerous tasks; on the contrary, he should express his love and kindness to them and strive to cultivate them properly.

Kamis, 04 Desember 2008


To : Beberapa sahabatku sewaktu SMA
( Anisah, Lina, Linda, Sa'adah, Devi, Novrina, Siti Nurjannah, Arum dan yang lainnya).
Bagaimana kabar kalian? Lama tak mendengar dering telefon dari kalian, mahal memang. Tapi aku cukup senang kalian masih sering menanyakan kabarku.
Apakah kalian masih merangkai-rangkai masa depan? Aku harap kalian memiliki masa depan yang cerah, indah dan penuh Hikmah. Seperti yang kalian Impikan.
Namun, aku harap kalian siap hadapi hari esok! Hari esok memang penuh misteri, tapi bukankah kita yakin bahwa Allaah senantiasa bersama kita? Jika kita melakukan hal yang benar dengan Ikhlas, maka kita dapatkan hasil yang bagus di dunia ini maupun di akherat kelak.
Sungguh, saat-saat itu benar menggembirakan.
Senyuman tulus kalian
Bantuan tanpa pamrih
Semangat yang menggebu
dan canda tawa yang lepas
Sangat sulit melupakan hal-hal itu! Dan ternyata benar, hal-hal yang dulunya kita anggap sepele, dikemudian hari menjadi kenangan yang pantas tuk di kenang.
Aku harap segera bertemu kalian
Ditempat dimana kita selalu duduk bersama.